@Easybourne “I WANNA PAY WITH *STRING!*”
robjmills Sometimes I press the keys extra hard just to make double-sure the cache is clear
@ahnlak @Juggzy @DrHairbear @JustinOwen I ain’t goin’ down for this, rozzer. You’ll never take me alive.
@says_arline :( Looks like I’m going to be in London on 7 Sep now (didn’t realise Proms in the Park date would clash…)
@ahnlak @Juggzy @DrHairbear @JustinOwen I HAVEN’T STRESSED MY BASIL!
@Mouse_House Just a bit up and down right now. Also, friend and her cat are moving in for a month starting today. Could be a bit odd.
@ahnlak @Juggzy @DrHairbear @JustinOwen (It is just one I’ve looked after unusually well since buying it from the Co-Op…)
.@ahnlak @Juggzy @DrHairbear @JustinOwen Awww. Poor basil. Should I really cut its flowers off? Maybe I’ll let nature take its course.
Oh! Never seen my basil flower before. Must be doing something right. instagram.com/p/cboaulpC3A/
If we have to have a Great Firewall of China, could it at least keep the botnets in as well as keeping freedom out? *wrings out apache log*
@MartinSketchley I’ve heard of it a *lot*, but never tried it. Though I think I’m covering a lot of bases with TextExpander and Alfred.

CodeKit, you wag. pic.twitter.com/zdfV3UQuGl
@mySpacecraft You haven’t been hacked, have you? Just got a DM from you with a tinyurl link; looks suspicious.