@Zubhium Aha! Got a tour I could step through this time :) But if I choose the free plan, $0 & click “Next”, it asks for card details?

@vesselio I just tried to migrate from @Zubhium. Told me I was taking a tour, then gave me this. Erm. What do I do? pic.twitter.com/TAvt6Y6Tpu
Just got an alarm for _Hebrides: Islands on the Edge_ on BB2 at 9pm. Guess I set that after a recommendation from someone on Islay…
Lamb kebab & ewe’s cheese on base of broad beans & beetroot leaves, tomato & basil. Seems to work. instagram.com/p/bomUxwpCy1/
@adamgasson Of course, you had to say that a month before I can afford anything…
@Thehappyfatgirl Ooh! That reminds me. *goes to water the garden*
@Indiechops Might be ;)
Temple Park. There are worse place to have lunch… instagram.com/p/bn6IsPpC4w/
Moochava Yearly reminder: unless you’re over 60, you weren’t promised flying cars. You were promised an oppressive cyberpunk dystopia. Here you go.