@hannahnicklin I had a feeling your requirements might be non-trivial. Good luck with it :)
@RellyAB When I lose it, normally either right next to the DVD player, or in the kitchen, for no adequately-explained reason.
@hannahnicklin …a bluetooth remote would probably be the normal alternatives.
@hannahnicklin Yes; Airs don’t have an IR receiver, from what I understand. Apple Remote app on a phone or iPod Touch, or…
mrdaveturner As I searched through the Coke bottles trying to find one that said ‘Dave’, a man called Max laughed and picked up a bottle of Pepsi.
@Mouse_House @stillawake @jakepjohnson Should be any time noooooooooosadfjofjisadfpjfsdighhghghgjdfsssssshhhhhhmmmphBRAINSBRAAAAAAAINSBRAIII
@Mouse_House @stillawake @jakepjohnson Did nobody mention today’s zombie apocalypse to you guys? I thought you were on the list.