thatssohaute lucy liu in her studio pic.twitter.com/uaPzIo9mnF

simon_price01 Testing the waters:
If I published a fully-updated edition of my 1999 @Manics biography Everything [A Book About Manic Street Preachers], including everything they’ve done in the 21st century, new essays and interviews etc (plus the whole of the original book), would you buy it? pic.twitter.com/6ZDuqsqfm4
@bexxi *Looks around nervously*

Local politics pic.twitter.com/wxI3sAB6jW

It’s meant to be a listed building, not a listing building… pic.twitter.com/RLm8Q6V6cw

Snow Shadow pic.twitter.com/qA1YkEnFSK
@chubbybannister Genial buffoonery with occasional moments of surprising insight. And always kind.
@chubbybannister Definitely some Nigel-channelling going on.

Shar_A_ Pretty fuming the answer’s been staring me right in the face. pic.twitter.com/PMI0NcnIfZ

Today’s random “does this thing have a card in it?” snap. pic.twitter.com/Dppd1axEjC
DanRebellato For the last three weeks, we’ve been working through this @BFI list of films available for free with a Netflix or Amazon Prime account and i can’t recommend it highly enough. Everything we’ve seen has been at the very least enriching, at most astonishing. bfi.org.uk/lists/100-grea…
enhughesiasm okay today’s NYT crossword has “British biscuit” and the answer is “scone” and I *understand* the translation but I’m furious nonetheless
@dduane Gawd, I remember that feeling. “How do I just… Oh. By manually bodging something together myself from an unmaintained plugin scripted by a crazed monk in 2007 that I found a link to on page 17 of an archived forum thread… Nice.”
SquigglyVolcano Buckle up, everyone, this story is *wild*.
The 62-year-old Dyatlov Pass mystery, in which nine students died at the hands of an unknown force, has likely been solved thanks to the movie Frozen and gruesome car crash experiments.
Me, for @NatGeo + thread! nationalgeographic.com/science/2021/0…
@HarringtonBear Can’t imagine what you mean.

When you feel the need to whip your disk out first thing in the morning. pic.twitter.com/yYjSJb1030

What’s that, Time Machine? Oh, your backup progress is at 113%? Cool cool cool. No, that’s fine, you just carry on… pic.twitter.com/0LgZBb69kz
mathowie My favorite app of the last week is Hush. You install it and never get a cookie warning ever again (as long as you use Big Sur plus Safari). It’s free and virtually invisible. It works so well I forgot it was there. daringfireball.net/linked/2021/01…

_jimmykelly Thank you to whoever explained this - @reddit is incredible
😩🤙🏻 pic.twitter.com/zKRlbP41gJ
@hayles It’s in the Pump House car park. And it’s really very nice milk. Just a bit tricky to figure out how to work the thing. Extra handy given that I’m avoiding shops and Ocado are swamped…

It’s lovely milk, but if buying it is meant to be the simple bit I was definitely being particularly obtuse on my first attempt today… pic.twitter.com/hewaj4LKvz
@tsunimee Aww.
So, what’s the word for when you discover a fabulous new band and fall immediately in love, only to discover that they split up in 2002 after releasing only one album? And is the word German, Danish or Japanese? #spotifyproblems

Jordan_Deeb GameStop sitting amongst Tesla and Amazon after reddit users make it a Fortune 500 company pic.twitter.com/AVUtcjs6gl

beckpoppins Jean-baptiste greuze “indolence” vs beckpoppins “sick of doing her own laundry” pic.twitter.com/Karqrv4kax
@CharlieVivante Always a pleasure.
@CharlieVivante It would not greatly surprise me to find you doing those the other way around.

TallaHopper @KYPBristol OMG! Here’s my copy of that picture because that’s my Grandmother leaning nonchalantly on the railings. She was a clippie with the Bristol Omnibus Company! pic.twitter.com/9JCxUmErZL
@TheAmyCode I’ve lived in this one-bedroom flat for about two decades, partly because I don’t want to find out the answer to that kind of question.
@unfortunatalie No, for reasons I shall hereafter explain: (1/847)
@chubbybannister …but I also noticed something like this one in Boots a couple of years ago and it seems like a useful thing to have on a keyring: ebay.co.uk/itm/3-in-1-Min…
@chubbybannister I’ve had a set like this around the house since I was literally a child. ebay.co.uk/itm/Draper-11-…
@matthewteller @paulclammer I recently went on quite the nostalgia trip via zx81stuff.org.uk/zx81/jtyone.ht…

@paulclammer It’s a hell of a lot smaller than the third-party 16K RAM pack I had for the ZX81 (it spanned the entire back of the computer from side-to-side and even came with self-adhesive Velcro to stop it wobbling!) pic.twitter.com/2GnzDwuVCv

The 10MB hard drive I had as a kid (right-hand box in this picture of a similar setup, courtesy beebmaster.co.uk/HardDrives/Aco…) and the 2TB one I just bought. Hey, it’s only 200,000 times as much storage… pic.twitter.com/iwTxowTd3b
@rbrwr Found it! Searching was not easy because it’s currently number 22, but when it was a petrol station, it was number 27! pa.bristol.gov.uk/online-applica…
@rbrwr In the meantime: I have found some evidence, at least: pa.bristol.gov.uk/online-applica…
@rbrwr That’s one of the things that’s giving me more interest in my current “photograph whatever I feel like locally and don’t worry about the quality” project—maybe it’s not for me, maybe it’s for someone like me in fifty years’ time…
@rbrwr Yeah, I found that the night before last. Can’t find a picture of the place anywhere on t’web, though. I imagine most people photographing Clifton Village were there for the pretty bits! Might be something in t’council planning archives or with CHIS, I suppose.
What’s that? You’ve just spent five minutes logging into your online banking with 2FA and a PIN as well as a passcode? And you have the audacity to want to increase a monthly payment to YOUR OTHER ACCOUNT WITH THE SAME BANK!? FURTHER AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED

tomgauld My cartoon for yesterday’s @guardianreview pic.twitter.com/iOZDHPbdYd

@chubbybannister I’d never heard of Meredew, so my brain did that snap-to-grid thing when I first read this. pic.twitter.com/JIg9LWhOUf
IanMartin The joys of snow. More light shouldering its way in. Snowdrops trailing crocuses, daffodils. Nice joint in the oven. Little fire on the go. Tunnock’s plain chocolate wafer. Hilary Mantel. Amplified guitar. Wine ready. Human kindness EVERYWHERE. Still alive. Come the fuck ON. ☀️
@hondanhon @anildash @EmilyGorcenski Screw the map, I’d just point-to-point transport :D

Just wandering around the Leigh Woods area as part of my “one mile Matt” project and was surprised by what looked like a giant defensive tower in someone’s back garden. Apparently a Victorian castellated water tower, now converted into a five-room home… bwtas.blogspot.com/2010/01/clifto… pic.twitter.com/T2i8Emjacj
@martr101 I’m glad my riparian scene could help out :D

Niveous Avon pic.twitter.com/AGElawW9zv
@morleychops Good good. I spent ages looking for a photo of it on the web, but couldn’t find anything, so I started to doubt myself!
@ovationchris That’s what I was trying to figure out. This is the last block in the direction we’re looking, and the block before has Bar Chocolat on the corner, in a building that looks so wonky in places I think it has to be a lot older than I am…

Does anyone remember when this site in Clifton Village was a rather decrepit-looking petrol station? Or did I imagine the whole thing? pic.twitter.com/mRVRFi0T6U

Thanks for being good sports this morning, random snowpeople-constructors of #Bristol :) pic.twitter.com/ANTV50UL3r

garblefart aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA jalopnik.com/when-adobe-sto… pic.twitter.com/XWbwon2w48

DaveGorman I’ve set today’s Independent crossword. Sample clues:
After one term of maximum power, old Trump explodes spontaneously (9)
Resists tattoo drill (11)
Go to start of policy for flexible cover (4-3)
(No spoilers, ta)
29 other clues, free, here -> puzzles.independent.co.uk/games/cryptic-… pic.twitter.com/z55CnpZJbx
bristol_pip Curious what you are all doing (especially single folk) for leisure during lockdown times? Beyond walking the dog and reading in the bath I am at a loss, every screen gets me sucked back into work projects.
@bristol_pip But, also, trying to make sure the weekend walks involve at least one other human being and that I don’t just sit on my arse all day writing code, because that’s meant to be my day job, too.
@bristol_pip A random project where I try to walk all the streets within a mile on nice days, and code a website about it and try to process the photo backlog on the rainy days. Seems to have branched into an interest in local history, too. omm.gothick.org.uk

Philz_adamz Overthinking 101 pic.twitter.com/OQR8yZFnSA

straczynski It is a night of great sadness, for our friend and comrade had gone down the road where we cannot reach her. But as with all things, we will catch up with her in time, and I believe she will have many stories to tell us, and many new roles to share with the universe. pic.twitter.com/HyQlqyC19v

Spent some time at the shoreline of the new local water feature. Relaxing. pic.twitter.com/hfemVClvfc

Start as you mean to go on, that’s what I say. pic.twitter.com/iFXe6jCseo

cult_edge The addition of The Adventure Game to @BritBox_UK today is a wonderful thing. Skipping straight to episode 4 and Paul Darrow’s Wonderful Beard. Here’s hoping they add further series. pic.twitter.com/Rlh1jKMsUp

@martr101 Mind you, the camera was quite confused about what colour it should be :D pic.twitter.com/vnkNccWrEX
@martr101 Cropped, but other than that pretty much straight from the camera, shot straight to JPEG.

@martr101 @porthjess @bristol247 @VisitBristol @BristolLifeMag @BristolLive @Bristol_People @bbcrb Haven’t seen anything like that since a mad sunrise in 2009. pic.twitter.com/Xp0C6poTAp

porthjess Quick Bristol! Look at the sky! 😍😍 pic.twitter.com/4V9gtIGEov
@claireellent Cool!

The demolition of the former WH Smith block continues apace. #bristol #cliftonvillage pic.twitter.com/PxO3ZvEADb

Also born on 21st January: Wendy James. pic.twitter.com/CQZFofX9NR
@Lucyvfreeman Gee shucks 😀

DrMarkAldridge Today marks a century since the British publication of The Mysterious Affair at Styles as a novel. A brilliant first appearance of #Poirot and Agatha Christie’s debut book - it feels odd to think that there was ever a time before #AgathaChristie books were a part of our lives. pic.twitter.com/Rdjfj5etK9
@dangusset Not gonna click. I need some intimidating perfection to stay in my life.
drew_garland I can’t believe Mike Pence has seen Gaga live and I haven’t

The small joy of a new pack of giant lovely lens cloths. pic.twitter.com/darhC7OHe1
OFalafel “He’s pronounced dead”
New Zealanders introducing their fathers.

tomgauld ‘Coronavirus advice from a regency novel’ (my cartoon for yesterday’s @guardianreview) pic.twitter.com/8jgaxi8eRj

@jukesie On the plus side, I THOUGHT I’D ONLY ORDERED A LITTLE ONE pic.twitter.com/AQVyYIwQUd
@garethlpowell Damn it.
garethlpowell RIP Storm Constantine x
@chubbybannister Chambers says yes (noun or verb).

*Narrows eyes* Can’t’ve been *that* good, then… pic.twitter.com/vjsH0obpaW
@jukesie ALL the pictures should come with something for scale. I once had to drink child-size Coke for a week because you can’t tell the difference between it and the normal-size multipack from the Ocado picture :D
@ghostfinder Ahh, I see. That’s annoying. Yes, if it were me I’d probably rewire a UK adapter using the wire and DC plug that came with the original, but I have some expertise and a soldering iron.
@ghostfinder (Having read the reviews, though, you probably don’t want that exact one!)
@ghostfinder …something like this would probably cope with it. You’ll need to know (a) what output current the original provides, and (b) the polarity of the plug, e.g. if the centre bit is positive or negative. Both are typically written in tiny writing on original. amazon.co.uk/ZOZOTMUniversa…
@ghostfinder What’s it look like? (Also, there are decent after-market power adapters that come with a range of different plug sizes that will fit pretty much anything. You just have to make sure that they’re beefy enough to do the same job as the one you’re replacing.)
I’m informed by @SarahandLeila’s January Lights newsletter that today is officially Nothing Day, which certainly fits in with my activities so far :) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_… (It’s been observed annually since January 1973, just like me…)

Idly wondering if anyone’s made a film about how a Bristolian called Marjorie Watson-Williams moved to Paris, changed her name to Paule Vézelay and became a famous painter of the abstract school… pic.twitter.com/qPBnygKR6v

SteveBraceGeog If you want good eg for how #geographical research can impact on wider life do watch @Soilfit ‘s lecture. She’s renowned soil science expert, helped solve crimes & advised Countryfile, Silent Witness & crime writers inc @Beathhigh & @AnnCleeves twitter.com/RGS_IBGschools… pic.twitter.com/7RYTvDecr4
holly Completely in love with this beautiful hardback book about Acorn computers and the BBC Micro by @idesine.
Scroll through the pics for detail shots and nostalgic joy

LucyKnisley Is there a term coined for video call burnout yet? pic.twitter.com/CnUmpmVXBw
@holly What about one of those infrared heating lamp for lizards? If it didn’t work out, you could just start keeping lizards.

lexistwit Yeah, it’s fine to stick a beer in the freezer for a few minutes. No, I won’t forget. pic.twitter.com/8ZF19VHj4m

From a November walk. pic.twitter.com/xTzkNtti44

TheMERL Good morning everyone but especially to #ThisPig pic.twitter.com/ZJqioKnsLs
@hondanhon @anildash @waxpancake I hear AWS just freed up some server capacity…
Shonette I’m really enjoying setting weekly Instagram challenges on @VisitBristol, anything for little bits of joy at the moment 🙂
This week’s one is ‘Boats in Bristol’ if you want to get involved! 📷 twitter.com/VisitBristol/s…

royalacademy ‘Your parcel is being shipped by Hermes’ pic.twitter.com/vThln2qgIc
Let the tiny Wookiee win. twitter.com/GinaUrso/statu…
@ThatGledhill Hrrrrm. Midnight Run.
@neighbours_wifi Those… are actually chargers.

@BobRushy Sadly, I hear it’s worth less if your un-foresightful childhood self wrote his name in biro on the Liberator. Still plays fine, though! 😁 pic.twitter.com/ds3bOkIrx4

Nice to see that the most specific street sign in Bristol is still there. pic.twitter.com/0PVJmrDfFt

“This group of Internet Warriors then used that account, to create a handful of other ADMINISTRATION accounts, and then created a script that ended up creating MILLIONS of fake administration accounts.”
HOLY SHIT HAHAHA 😂🤣 pic.twitter.com/bS3GSRsxET
@iphonefool Would it be that bad a thing if the machines were in charge right now?

I rescued a robot from a skip today. I hope it will be friends with me. pic.twitter.com/bg65GCqSEM
@danielpunkass True Crime Network—Live!

Pro-Cathedral of the Holy Apostles, Clifton, during September 2009 “Co-Mutiny” occupation. 2/2 #Bristol pic.twitter.com/QkUxOCyhPa

Pro-Cathedral of the Holy Apostles, Clifton, during September 2009 “Co-Mutiny” occupation. 1/2 #Bristol pic.twitter.com/xnxxeJmPuI

CAPYBARA_MAN What you see / what is really happening pic.twitter.com/jeYsRZUACO

memorialdevice The MD guide to the top 40 household ornaments of our youth. In order.
Number 40.
The onyx cigarette box and matching lighter.
Box always empty. Lighter never worked. pic.twitter.com/J2ge7y6wMa
@WeirdBristol Yup.
I suppose it was Cheeseplant’s House, in 1991. That was also the first place I used the username “gothick” (which is taken from @GreatDismal’s _Count Zero_.) cheeseplant.org/~daniel/pages/… twitter.com/Humanstein/sta…
@CharlieVivante Wait. Did I miss being issued a ration of fleeting hotness?

Windsor Place, on this morning’s wander. pic.twitter.com/EjjYNKS2yh

Dru_Marland @gothick She’s changed a bit since I drew her on the canal pic.twitter.com/s5xnBS156j

Suspension Bridge View pic.twitter.com/jLWoPVsg2S

Grey ‘n’ Barge pic.twitter.com/BwKP1JWxs3

No, right, when I said I wanted a shed for my boat… pic.twitter.com/dJUK1ELrkG

Well, I’ve never seen one that big before. pic.twitter.com/wA7VUu7tgQ

BobRushy imagine getting hired to play a cranky engineer and turning it into your personal Clint Eastwood fantasy vehicle by sheer force of will pic.twitter.com/JzdyR6rcvs

Dru_Marland Canal ice report, Dundas. IC2. Mary mother of God it’s cold pic.twitter.com/fb1rvJ3KNK

Avon_Stories Seriously, if you can, come out to the Harbour in the next hour or 2 - it’s frozen, at least at Cumberland Basin pic.twitter.com/VkQMOem11c
@matteastwood @ExumAM @kairyssdal At this point, I wouldn’t actually be surprised if nobody bothered to find and arrest this guy except for the US Postal Inspection Service.
@mcelhearn I wouldn’t try it. World record for staying awake is only 264.4 hours.
SarahRoseCrook BBC world service saying “historians will have to put this into context”. Can I speak for all historians when I say WE’RE TIRED
@archidave It did feel like I was on borrowed time. Given the current circumstances it may just have been taking potential shoo-ers a while to change out of their pyjamas, of course…

A different perspective. pic.twitter.com/gKXrC4Kbmk

Nah, bit of T-Cut and it’ll be fine, mate. pic.twitter.com/zurLzQoJxk

Mikeachim Can you find something truly interesting - as in, “I’m travelling right now and everything is amazing!” - within just one mile of your home? And can you *keep* doing it? I’m giving it a go:
(Am I an idiot for trying this?) pic.twitter.com/JVIgSfhxOX
@stillawake @paulclammer @Mikeachim Oooh! Yes :) I’m way behind on photo uploads, web development and generally actually documenting what I’ve been up to, but I did just pass my 250th kilometre of “one mile” wanderings today… omm.gothick.org.uk

BBCArchive #OnThisDay 1976: Rentaghost, the children’s comedy series featuring Michael Darbyshire, Anthony Jackson and Edward Brayshaw, first aired. pic.twitter.com/zFJn8d7Z5w

pepemac27 Me: father to two thriving kids, paediatric registrar, often the most senior paediatrician in the hospital at nights, regularly manages life and death situations.
Also me: pic.twitter.com/Dx31tLqQUJ

I’d truly love to know the stats on how many people finish this book. pic.twitter.com/LJT4OT7OCn

And on that note, here’s a handy reminder of the distance for Bristolians. #johndoh pic.twitter.com/PnG374f0bM

I get the idea of the new bench design, but I’m not convinced that that’s 2 metres. pic.twitter.com/nL8C5kVg7e

I, @Avon_Stories and @Bingo_Little were reminiscing about bad 1980s car jokes the other day, and by complete coincidence I just passed a new model of Skoda convertible… pic.twitter.com/zVAon5OZRq

I’m not sure what it says about me that my first instinct is to make an even tinier house to dump in front of the tiny house that’s been dumped in front of the house. pic.twitter.com/Wkme4SQ6sK

jennifermjones The quirks of working at a bloody old newspaper is that you pick up a pack of paper to prop your monitor up and a anonymous letter to the editor from 1860 drops out on your desk pic.twitter.com/uhboqLe0pX
Hadn’t thought about banana sandwiches for years. I wonder what decade I last had one? twitter.com/chariottehall/…

briscoepark Photos I took in a small town pic.twitter.com/ncQmpcmo5p

ZiziFothSi Spare a thought today for the government employee who has to handle every false invocation of “health & safety” and who is clearly all out of fucks to give pic.twitter.com/zj2fcP8d96

craiguito If he was a real entrepreneur he’d have sold these to the lorry queue pic.twitter.com/zIlEHdY1oF

MakingBlakes7 Sad to hear that Barbara Shelley has passed away. She had an impressive career but to Blake’s 7 fans she will always be Doctor Plaxton from Stardrive. Who? It’s one of my favourite ‘guilty pleasure’ episodes and Barbara was great in it. RIP.
#Blakes7 #BarbaraShelley pic.twitter.com/GxODtckZDq
partytimeHXLNT What’s the best-looking desk calculator ever made? Drop pics, let’s build this thread together! 👉

“It was a scene of which he did not tire for it was never quite alike.” I believe I’ve said that a few times myself, about the same view… (EH Young, _Chatterton Square_, 1947) pic.twitter.com/8UQuBbJkxa
@punkmum I will dust it off.
@punkmum Perversely, I watched it once, thought it was so good I bought the DVD and haven’t watched it since. 🤷
EmmaManzini A shark could swim faster than me, but I could probably run faster than a shark. So in a triathlon, it would all come down to who is the better cyclist.
@liveindetail @Tunnocks Thank you for the tip. Have just moved my car off the steep hill around the corner that at least one clown always tries to drive down the morning after snow makes it un-drivable-down.
Secret Underground film about Pen Park Hole youtu.be/202LC_QMMcU via @YouTube

garethlpowell Sun setting over a fog-filled Avon Gorge this afternoon pic.twitter.com/agi3gkUTj9
@stuartgibson @IanRobinson Just ordered something from eBuyer for first time in ages and as per the olden days it turned up unexpectedly quickly when I’d only paid the cheaparse delivery option. I’m taking that as a sign that they’re still decent!
GreatDismal When I met Wm. Burroughs, he asked me if I used marijuana for writing. When I said no, he grinned, squeezed my knee, and said “I use it for EVERYTHING!”.

2005 versus 2021. The technology may have changed, but apparently my desire to fill every spare space with clutter has only reduced marginally, if at all. pic.twitter.com/LIJa7Eomf3

BBCArchive #OnThisDay 1978: Roj Blake and his motley crew of rebels made their debuts in the first ever episode of Blake’s 7. pic.twitter.com/AzgkhUeurC
@daycoder Yeah, I saw them at Brixton Academy, and still happily listen to them today. Come for the hormones, stay for the surprisingly fun music 😅
@StephenEThomas NONE AT ALL. From what I remember, it was actually The Chart Show 😂

Flicking through old Hotwells maps. It seems they did actually pave paradise and put up a parking lot… #bristol pic.twitter.com/qRqGaaFVXk

Looking through my old singles. “So, Matt, what first attracted you, a fifteen-year-old boy, to the music of Transvision Vamp?” pic.twitter.com/dqYaxVGmvS

@tamarablawrence Disused public pump for the hot well, Hotwell Road, Bristol. pic.twitter.com/TGaerzMBrE
@Dru_Marland @amias @stillawake @nosugartea I was tempted, but I had the sense that it might be currently inhabited, and I didn’t want to bother anyone.

Note to self: when trying to find the viewpoint of an old picture, it helps to know if the Alderman’s drinking fountain you’re using as a landmark might have been moved to the opposite side of the road in 1987… historicengland.org.uk/services-skill… en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alderman_… pic.twitter.com/vLKF1nNZpH

@amias @stillawake @nosugartea (This view from the side of the road explains why it’s easy to miss :D) pic.twitter.com/WDTCmNk2Jj

@amias @stillawake @nosugartea A lot of the area was handy during the war. You may well have passed this a thousand times without knowing it was there (photo taken today)—the (horizontal!) Portnalls railway tunnel from the long-gone Bristol Port Railway and Pier was also used as an air raid shelter.pic.twitter.com/Q4wSIJoddII
@stillawake @nosugartea …the Venturers’ own website seems to confirm: merchantventurers.com/what-we-do/cli… “In 1676, the Society of Merchant Venturers acquired the Manor of Clifton, then a rural estate, which included 220 acres of Clifton Down bordering the Avon Gorge.”
@stillawake @nosugartea The book says “the increasing fame of the Hot Well attracted the attention of the Society of Merchant Venturers, and in 1676 they purchased it along with the Manor of Clifton”, and…
@nosugartea @stillawake …source: Secret Underground Bristol, Sally Watson. Fascinating book, well worth finding a copy if you can. (2/2)

@nosugartea @stillawake Not sure of the current ownership. The Merchant Venturers bought the area (along with Clifton!) in 1676; the last pump point that was accessible to the public was decommissioned in 1913. Here’s a photo of it I took last night… (1/2) pic.twitter.com/PX10Pir8JI
@MrGreenGus @audibleuk @audiblesupport If it’s any help, I stopped my audible subscription years ago and my account still has access to everything I paid for (I believe you do lose the credits, but you can always go on a shopping spree with them before you cancel!)
chrismarquardt History repeating. While so many laughed about all the fuss some were making about y2k, I was one of those in the IT trenches. Worked myself into a burnout, got hospitalized twice. We prevented the worst and still people don’t get it and think it was all blown out of proportion. twitter.com/steve_lieber/s…
@ZakiyaMedia @beardedjourno Had a good idea as to the location and some helpful pointers including avonrigsoutcrop.blogspot.com/2013/02/the-ho…, which was the only recent photo I could find. Hope to find it gently steaming on a cold day this winter for full confirmation!

engagedpractx This just happened (ping @Ann_dLandes) pic.twitter.com/ix8IuWKeYL

MakingBlakes7 I want to see 2021. I want to see it here and I want to see it now. #HappyNewYear2021 #Blakes7 pic.twitter.com/O0e30DJeVI
@doeeyedlettuce Very grateful for my support bubble, but yes. Lots of people. And would anyone like a *really* long massage? My thumbs are itching to de-stress someone.
rianjohnson If you grew up w/ Myst, the VR version is seriously worth the price of an oculus. Hard to describe the emotional reaction when the game starts and you’re on that dock, I just stood there awestruck for a solid minute.
@ZakiyaMedia @beardedjourno Various things, including fashion, leakage of sewage from the river into the supply, and better medical cures for TB and other things it was meant to cure. Fascinating that it was shipped out, though, I never knew.
@chris_bore @paulclammer @ZakiyaMedia The spring is a little further out, still visible at low tide along the river toward the suspension bridge. twitter.com/gothick/status…