Today’s random “does this thing have a card in it?” snap. pic.twitter.com/Dppd1axEjC
DanRebellato For the last three weeks, we’ve been working through this @BFI list of films available for free with a Netflix or Amazon Prime account and i can’t recommend it highly enough. Everything we’ve seen has been at the very least enriching, at most astonishing. bfi.org.uk/lists/100-grea…
enhughesiasm okay today’s NYT crossword has “British biscuit” and the answer is “scone” and I *understand* the translation but I’m furious nonetheless
@dduane Gawd, I remember that feeling. “How do I just… Oh. By manually bodging something together myself from an unmaintained plugin scripted by a crazed monk in 2007 that I found a link to on page 17 of an archived forum thread… Nice.”