@TheAmyCode I’ve lived in this one-bedroom flat for about two decades, partly because I don’t want to find out the answer to that kind of question.
@unfortunatalie No, for reasons I shall hereafter explain: (1/847)
@chubbybannister …but I also noticed something like this one in Boots a couple of years ago and it seems like a useful thing to have on a keyring: ebay.co.uk/itm/3-in-1-Min…
@chubbybannister I’ve had a set like this around the house since I was literally a child. ebay.co.uk/itm/Draper-11-…
@matthewteller @paulclammer I recently went on quite the nostalgia trip via zx81stuff.org.uk/zx81/jtyone.ht…

@paulclammer It’s a hell of a lot smaller than the third-party 16K RAM pack I had for the ZX81 (it spanned the entire back of the computer from side-to-side and even came with self-adhesive Velcro to stop it wobbling!) pic.twitter.com/2GnzDwuVCv

The 10MB hard drive I had as a kid (right-hand box in this picture of a similar setup, courtesy beebmaster.co.uk/HardDrives/Aco…) and the 2TB one I just bought. Hey, it’s only 200,000 times as much storage… pic.twitter.com/iwTxowTd3b
@rbrwr Found it! Searching was not easy because it’s currently number 22, but when it was a petrol station, it was number 27! pa.bristol.gov.uk/online-applica…
@rbrwr In the meantime: I have found some evidence, at least: pa.bristol.gov.uk/online-applica…
@rbrwr That’s one of the things that’s giving me more interest in my current “photograph whatever I feel like locally and don’t worry about the quality” project—maybe it’s not for me, maybe it’s for someone like me in fifty years’ time…
@rbrwr Yeah, I found that the night before last. Can’t find a picture of the place anywhere on t’web, though. I imagine most people photographing Clifton Village were there for the pretty bits! Might be something in t’council planning archives or with CHIS, I suppose.
What’s that? You’ve just spent five minutes logging into your online banking with 2FA and a PIN as well as a passcode? And you have the audacity to want to increase a monthly payment to YOUR OTHER ACCOUNT WITH THE SAME BANK!? FURTHER AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED

tomgauld My cartoon for yesterday’s @guardianreview pic.twitter.com/iOZDHPbdYd

@chubbybannister I’d never heard of Meredew, so my brain did that snap-to-grid thing when I first read this. pic.twitter.com/JIg9LWhOUf
IanMartin The joys of snow. More light shouldering its way in. Snowdrops trailing crocuses, daffodils. Nice joint in the oven. Little fire on the go. Tunnock’s plain chocolate wafer. Hilary Mantel. Amplified guitar. Wine ready. Human kindness EVERYWHERE. Still alive. Come the fuck ON. ☀️
@hondanhon @anildash @EmilyGorcenski Screw the map, I’d just point-to-point transport :D

Just wandering around the Leigh Woods area as part of my “one mile Matt” project and was surprised by what looked like a giant defensive tower in someone’s back garden. Apparently a Victorian castellated water tower, now converted into a five-room home… bwtas.blogspot.com/2010/01/clifto… pic.twitter.com/T2i8Emjacj
@martr101 I’m glad my riparian scene could help out :D

Niveous Avon pic.twitter.com/AGElawW9zv
@morleychops Good good. I spent ages looking for a photo of it on the web, but couldn’t find anything, so I started to doubt myself!
@ovationchris That’s what I was trying to figure out. This is the last block in the direction we’re looking, and the block before has Bar Chocolat on the corner, in a building that looks so wonky in places I think it has to be a lot older than I am…

Does anyone remember when this site in Clifton Village was a rather decrepit-looking petrol station? Or did I imagine the whole thing? pic.twitter.com/mRVRFi0T6U

Thanks for being good sports this morning, random snowpeople-constructors of #Bristol :) pic.twitter.com/ANTV50UL3r

garblefart aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA jalopnik.com/when-adobe-sto… pic.twitter.com/XWbwon2w48