What’s that, Time Machine? Oh, your backup progress is at 113%? Cool cool cool. No, that’s fine, you just carry on… pic.twitter.com/0LgZBb69kz
mathowie My favorite app of the last week is Hush. You install it and never get a cookie warning ever again (as long as you use Big Sur plus Safari). It’s free and virtually invisible. It works so well I forgot it was there. daringfireball.net/linked/2021/01…

_jimmykelly Thank you to whoever explained this - @reddit is incredible
😩🤙🏻 pic.twitter.com/zKRlbP41gJ
@hayles It’s in the Pump House car park. And it’s really very nice milk. Just a bit tricky to figure out how to work the thing. Extra handy given that I’m avoiding shops and Ocado are swamped…

It’s lovely milk, but if buying it is meant to be the simple bit I was definitely being particularly obtuse on my first attempt today… pic.twitter.com/hewaj4LKvz
@tsunimee Aww.