@StephenEThomas NONE AT ALL. From what I remember, it was actually The Chart Show 😂

Flicking through old Hotwells maps. It seems they did actually pave paradise and put up a parking lot… #bristol pic.twitter.com/qRqGaaFVXk

Looking through my old singles. “So, Matt, what first attracted you, a fifteen-year-old boy, to the music of Transvision Vamp?” pic.twitter.com/dqYaxVGmvS

@tamarablawrence Disused public pump for the hot well, Hotwell Road, Bristol. pic.twitter.com/TGaerzMBrE
@Dru_Marland @amias @stillawake @nosugartea I was tempted, but I had the sense that it might be currently inhabited, and I didn’t want to bother anyone.

Note to self: when trying to find the viewpoint of an old picture, it helps to know if the Alderman’s drinking fountain you’re using as a landmark might have been moved to the opposite side of the road in 1987… historicengland.org.uk/services-skill… en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alderman_… pic.twitter.com/vLKF1nNZpH

@amias @stillawake @nosugartea (This view from the side of the road explains why it’s easy to miss :D) pic.twitter.com/WDTCmNk2Jj

@amias @stillawake @nosugartea A lot of the area was handy during the war. You may well have passed this a thousand times without knowing it was there (photo taken today)—the (horizontal!) Portnalls railway tunnel from the long-gone Bristol Port Railway and Pier was also used as an air raid shelter.pic.twitter.com/Q4wSIJoddII
@stillawake @nosugartea …the Venturers’ own website seems to confirm: merchantventurers.com/what-we-do/cli… “In 1676, the Society of Merchant Venturers acquired the Manor of Clifton, then a rural estate, which included 220 acres of Clifton Down bordering the Avon Gorge.”
@stillawake @nosugartea The book says “the increasing fame of the Hot Well attracted the attention of the Society of Merchant Venturers, and in 1676 they purchased it along with the Manor of Clifton”, and…
@nosugartea @stillawake …source: Secret Underground Bristol, Sally Watson. Fascinating book, well worth finding a copy if you can. (2/2)

@nosugartea @stillawake Not sure of the current ownership. The Merchant Venturers bought the area (along with Clifton!) in 1676; the last pump point that was accessible to the public was decommissioned in 1913. Here’s a photo of it I took last night… (1/2) pic.twitter.com/PX10Pir8JI
@MrGreenGus @audibleuk @audiblesupport If it’s any help, I stopped my audible subscription years ago and my account still has access to everything I paid for (I believe you do lose the credits, but you can always go on a shopping spree with them before you cancel!)
chrismarquardt History repeating. While so many laughed about all the fuss some were making about y2k, I was one of those in the IT trenches. Worked myself into a burnout, got hospitalized twice. We prevented the worst and still people don’t get it and think it was all blown out of proportion. twitter.com/steve_lieber/s…
@ZakiyaMedia @beardedjourno Had a good idea as to the location and some helpful pointers including avonrigsoutcrop.blogspot.com/2013/02/the-ho…, which was the only recent photo I could find. Hope to find it gently steaming on a cold day this winter for full confirmation!

engagedpractx This just happened (ping @Ann_dLandes) pic.twitter.com/ix8IuWKeYL

MakingBlakes7 I want to see 2021. I want to see it here and I want to see it now. #HappyNewYear2021 #Blakes7 pic.twitter.com/O0e30DJeVI
@doeeyedlettuce Very grateful for my support bubble, but yes. Lots of people. And would anyone like a *really* long massage? My thumbs are itching to de-stress someone.
rianjohnson If you grew up w/ Myst, the VR version is seriously worth the price of an oculus. Hard to describe the emotional reaction when the game starts and you’re on that dock, I just stood there awestruck for a solid minute.
@ZakiyaMedia @beardedjourno Various things, including fashion, leakage of sewage from the river into the supply, and better medical cures for TB and other things it was meant to cure. Fascinating that it was shipped out, though, I never knew.
@chris_bore @paulclammer @ZakiyaMedia The spring is a little further out, still visible at low tide along the river toward the suspension bridge. twitter.com/gothick/status…