Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 2016

wunderkamercast His arrival was foretold in the ancient murals…

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 9:59 PM, Feb 28th, 2016 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@sdpp99 Instant, reliable, great syncing, cheap… I will shed a small tear when old-school radio goes away.

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@Bufty_Grifter Coat pocket? Since the carrier bag charge I do seem to find forgotten stuff there more often.

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For all our innovation, there is no better house-wide audio streaming system than an FM radio tuned to the same station in every room.

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@chubbybannister I find it helps with those scenes if you imagine that they’re elephants rather than cows.

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@chubbybannister Think there’s a stall like that at the Corn Street flea market, every Sat.

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@veschwab Yeah, that can happen. You probably got upgraded to one of the high-gravity rooms without even knowing it.

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benicus_rex When you post a selfie but no one favs it

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 8:12 PM, Feb 27th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@bendoscopy The thing I see missing is kitchen/cooker.

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<Tenth Doctor Voice>Yeah, *tell* me about it…</Tenth Doctor Voice>

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@Bristolvor I do not know. I have watched them relatively regularly (though not frequently) since the 1990s.

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@Bristolvor I’ve had mine for many years, made by the same man.

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@hayles Excellent! Zazu keeping up their usual high standard :)

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OpinionatedGeek Starting to think I should list ‘Installing software updates’ as my main hobby. I certainly spend too much time doing it.

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 2:28 PM, Feb 27th, 2016 via Tweetbot for Mac)

After 27 years of sterling service, it’s time to retire my old speakers. I like to take a pic at moments like these.

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@Marnova I’m assuming that’s true for cakes and things, but this little fella has a specific porridge setting that’s meant to be pretty good

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@Marnova Yeah, I think I’m getting there. It’s got a timer so I can pre-soak overnight and auto-start the cooking in the morning, too :)

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@Marnova (It’s really good for rice, and made ace maftoul last night. Porridge is going to need more experimentation.)

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@Marnova I’m enjoying most of the experiments. I left this one on the “keep warm” setting a bit too long, though.

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@dangusset Mystery solved. And the explanation was not paranormal. I feel just like Scully.

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@dangusset So it wasn’t your video? Because there was the same one on the same *hashtag* from someone else.

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@dangusset Your original seemed to have an actual Vine attached as well as a picture?

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A 1902 rollercoaster versus one from a century further on. Progress, via @_FutilityCloset…

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ismh Checking my to-do list after lunch on a Friday.…

via Tweetbot for Mac (retweeted on 8:25 PM, Feb 26th, 2016 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@AshleyEsqueda I’m thinking there can’t be many opportunities in life to spontaneously buy a golden octopus. Go for it.

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Longshanks1307 Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords seems increasingly appealing as a basis for a system of government.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:35 PM, Feb 26th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

📷 Well played, Roo Bar.

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Welcome to Clifton Village, whose aura of Georgian quaintness is so strong it repels all mobile phone data signals.

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@antichrista Yes, but only by spending far more of your time on list-writing and double-checking than you use by just going to the store.

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@Jeenniebeenie If it helps you work it out, I understand that the NEC bone’s connected to the head bone.

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📷 Stable, Bristol, with a guest appearance from my friend Paul, who is anything but stable.

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Hit_Delete Saw Mike Leigh in Waterloo. Went and spoke to him. ‘Never compromise’ he advised.

I’m now in Pret and might request a new coffee.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 5:47 PM, Feb 25th, 2016 via Twitter for Windows)

@thomasvenables I’d love to be back in that area right now. It’s the perfect time of year for harbourside commuting!

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When you need to make exactly the right choice for your first native Twitter GIF post.

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@word_geek Sadly, when the music started he just sang along, badly.

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Satellite TV. Some assembly required.

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Oh, yes, by all means talk to yourself all the time you’re working next to me. That won’t be annoying at all.

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TigNotaro After much anticipation, a revolutionary male birth control was finally released. It’s called “a hoverboard”

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:37 PM, Feb 23rd, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@Bristolvor Yup. Bought a new rice cooker so my meals this week will mostly be rice-based ;)

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@Bristolvor (I used to be so much more up on harbour gossip when I rode the ferry every day!)

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@Bristolvor Maybe. It wasn’t there yesterday, but I wasn’t paying attention this morning!

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@Bristolvor Not sure, but their email newsletter said “nearly back” last week.

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@RicherSupport That was Safari, but I have the same issue in Chrome. Shows store name, but doesn’t link to details.

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@Kavey @SyrupyCupcakes Really good, especially for a first time. Porridge not so great; I’ll need to practise!

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@chris_coys That’s how I like my rice. Cooked by high tech fuzzy logic robots.

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@Kavey @SyrupyCupcakes I am waiting to hear what happens when the rice is ready. I’m hoping for another tune.

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@SyrupyCupcakes @Kavey I just upgraded from a £20 one that didn’t beep at all. Quite excited.

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You can tell it’s proper Japanese because it plays “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” charmingly when it starts cooking.

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@RicherSounds It’s great that you detect my local store, but even better would be a link to the store details!

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@ToM_BaL I think I had that last time. Went for lamb today!

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Given that Flour and Ash doesn’t open until 5pm, where’s a good Bristol lunchtime pizza place, folks?

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I don’t really know what a pig ark is, but from a Google Images search it seems to be some kind of porcine Nissen hut.

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Today I will mostly be having a boiler serviced and then hopefully going out to lunch with some friends who are picking up a pig ark.

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@bexxi Really gets on my nerves. Bought noise-cancelling headphones to reduce the problem instead of simply murdering someone recently.

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hotdogsladies “Fake earnestness is like cilantro. A pinch can be lovely but too much makes you want to throat-punch the fucking taco guy.”

—Oscar Wilde

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 9:28 AM, Feb 22nd, 2016 via Tweetbot for Mac)

codinghorror How the movie WarGames changed US national security policy…

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 9:13 PM, Feb 21st, 2016 via Tweetbot for Mac)

Threading your way through the wardrobe of Top Shop to the Narnian exterior of Cribbs Causeway.

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quellist1 Someone in an ad agency somewhere is clearing out their desk…….…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:10 AM, Feb 21st, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

alicej_t “Like eating the colour grey”. Love returning to @chrispople’s Frankie & Benny’s review:…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:20 AM, Feb 21st, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@dangusset That’s a baby thrown out with the bath water, that is.

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@dangusset He is utterly, stark-staring bonkers, though. To the degree that he probably eats shoes every day anyway.

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@dangusset “Wait a minute. Isn’t that where Rupert Giles retired?”

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Morning and evening pictures framed for the bedroom. Just need to hang them now.

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@chubbybannister Yeah, but if *you* could get a grant for filming penguins on a treadmill, you would, wouldn’t you? I would.

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SwiftOnSecurity Jeb blew through $100 million without anything to show for it, so he should have a great career at Yahoo.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:52 AM, Feb 21st, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@paulcapper I’d put you on The List, except I probably couldn’t print the bastard.

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This printer is very lucky that I’m not armed.

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@hatsandbikes I was agreeing with you right up until the last part… Oh.

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govindajeggy I’ve been given three months to live.

I’ve asked for Feb 2056, April 2058 & November 3009

via Tweetlogix (retweeted on 1:40 PM, Feb 20th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

Consigning a crate of nostalgia to The Cellar.

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@BristolBaloney I like their three seed loaf. I’ll have to try a croissant next time I’m in.

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@Kavey I don’t believe my little local one does that. It’s also surrounded by other places that do excellent croissants, which doesn’t help.

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@moiseschiu @coffeeandcider Oh thank Christ. It was giving me serious anxiety.

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@hayles The Clifton train’s a half hour walk in the wrong direction…

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@hayles I agree. Though I wish she wasn’t so damn far away.

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Tesco croissants are from hunger anyway. Where do we think serves the best croissants in , folks?

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guardianfood In a twist: Tesco’s decision to stop selling curved croissants sparks debate

via (retweeted on 7:24 AM, Feb 20th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

Might be eating popcorn while watching X Files.

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@DazeEnd It’s awful. Best implementations I find tend to be in databases. Apart from that people keep inventing their own broken versions.

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c8ters When you’re house sitting for millennials and ask how the lights work

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:19 PM, Feb 19th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@amyengineer @c8ters @internetofshit I say smash them with whatever you have to hand and introduce millennials to the concept of candles.

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ASPolice UPDATE: All roads in city centre are now re-open.We had concerns for the welfare of a man but he is now safe & well. (1/2)

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 8:17 PM, Feb 19th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@RedQueenCoder I hate that. Eventually I found bad television or re-reading old favourites helped get me through. Hope you find something.

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@libbymiller Not bad. I think every other low alcohol beer I’ve tried has suffered greatly from being lager.

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@UrsulaWJ Well, there are worse places to be stuck, at least.

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ASPBrisCentre We’ve closed part of Bridewell St & the Bear Pit roundabout in due to an on-going incident. All motorists should avoid this area.

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 5:59 PM, Feb 19th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@UrsulaWJ !? Rather glad I’m already home. Might just put the other lock on, too.

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BathChron BREAKING: Man in orange underpants blocking on A46 heading into Bath…

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 5:58 PM, Feb 19th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

JordanETID If the FBI needs to get into someone’s iPhone without permission they should just call U2 and ask how they did it

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 4:46 PM, Feb 19th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

Wait for 505. Bus standing at stop fires up, becomes 505. We get on. 505 bus sails past. Driver tells us he doesn’t set off for 15 mins.

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bexxi And the cobbles, they shone in adoration of the rain.

via Instagram (retweeted on 10:41 PM, Feb 18th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

B247Martin This was Bristol’s tram network in 1911:

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:28 PM, Feb 18th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

Kevin had been abused by a previous owner so always his at the back of the garage when the

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MittenDAmour Emma Thompson eating a slice of cake decorated like a front page of her eating a slice of cake is a thing of beauty.

via Tweetbot for iΟS (retweeted on 1:07 PM, Feb 18th, 2016 via Twitter Web Client)

“What internet phenomena are adults my age unfamiliar with these days?”…

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@macguitar I love the way that every single character in WarGames seems to have depth and backstory.

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Beathhigh The title certainly would seem to indicate some problems with the marriage, yes……

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:52 PM, Feb 17th, 2016 via Twitter for Windows)

@bexxi What kind of fitting is it? Maybe my painful research can help.

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via Tweetbot for iΟS (retweeted on 8:53 PM, Feb 17th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@bexxi Most are pretty bad. Some are pretty good. I’ve probably spent more money finding good ones than I’ll recover in energy savings :(

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FirstBSA We’re off for the evening.

Bristol city centre traffic is MENTAL. Taking traffic about an hour to make a 10 minute journey :(

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 7:08 PM, Feb 17th, 2016 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@CharlieEsq_ I’ve not been in there since it was Henry Africa’s!

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@CharlieEsq_ Is that the one that was a bad American diner for a bit?

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@tomasmcguinness If people don’t like a back-end language, they have eight more to choose from.

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daringfireball Craig Mod on the Leica Q:…

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Comparing old and new phones in the office.

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mrdavidwhitley I sometimes buy sandwiches that aren’t in the meal deal.…

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 8:10 AM, Feb 16th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@Pinboard I’ve bookmarked a few things today (7+ hours ago) and they don’t seem searchable by tag. Anything wrong? Ta!

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Standard-issue British holiday. The pier tells me it’s Bournemouth.

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@zanettoyarns I’ll have to go see what @ironworks_co is like inside now. This was somewhere around twenty years ago.

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@hayles This is just down the road from Bodgers department store. Or am I bluffing?

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The light leak suits the colour scheme in this, the very first branch (I believe) of Las Iguanas, in St. Nick’s.

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@antimitch Well, it’s pretty cheap to *try* these days. It’s only really expensive if you actually get into it :)

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Yeah. We really were stereotypical white male IT geeks. And no, I don’t know why I’m holding a rubber chicken.

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My friends were into duck face before it was cool.

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@antimitch Though I did take a few in my room at uni, apparently. My friend Si must be making sushi in this one.

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@antimitch Basically I barely picked up a camera between the 1980s and 2008, when adult me got into it again.

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@antimitch No, just a few random rolls, and very little of Bristol. Shot lots as a kid, but there’s big long gap before I got back into it.

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@antimitch I used to work in the ugly modern (then-NatWest Insurance) building at the end of the road, behind the nice Edward Everard front.

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@antimitch Yup. I spent a lot of time in that cafe!

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The City Netgates internet cafe, Broad Street, 1990s. I believe it’s ironworks_co now!

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Sometime in the 1990s, apparently during my “Henry Crabbe Lookalike Competition” phase.

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@porthjess @CaiBurton @BristolFerry Sadly I stopped years ago, when the early boats were axed following Council subsidy cuts.

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@guriben I was in Gants Hill, so not too far away at all.

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@StephenEThomas We probably know some people in common, though I didn’t know too many of the younger crowd.

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Oh! An “eyeball” card from my CB days. That’s a long time

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Goodness. Seem to have dug up issue #2 of the Blake’s 7 Poster Magazine.

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@hayles Just checked. They’re playing the Royal Albert Hall this year. 17 seats left in the stalls, £252 each.

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@hayles Wonder how much you’d pay to see Heart at Wembley these days…

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First big gig where *I* decided what we were seeing :D

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@MandinaM I’ve been thinking about it for years. Finally needed a decent scanner for the business, which helped.

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@MandinaM Two or three hours. Gently pottering and scanning, not really going for it, either.

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I just scanned 1,541 elderly photos. Fuji ScanSnap scanners really do have excellent paper feeds.

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Eventually, I learned to swim without having 250 floatation devices clamped to myself.

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(And that’s childhood friend Claire, who lived over the road.)

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I also had an alarm clock fetish, it seems. Under the clock radio is a 150(?)-in-1 electronics project kit.

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An epic space battle on the alien landscape of my duvet.

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That light would have just about doubled the wind resistance of a Raleigh Commando.

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@talkie_tim I had the Electron for ages. It was in between the ZX81 and the BBC Master.

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@Bristolvor (Incidentally, if you’re into podcasts, I highly recommend @DownAndSafe :) )

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@Bristolvor Really. Nexus 2000 con. Met her, Paul Darrow, Gareth Thomas, Nicholas Courtney and Walter Koenig, among others.

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@Bristolvor I have a photo of me together with the beautiful Ms. Pearce around somewhere…

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@Bristolvor I remember watching Blake’s 7 on one. I’m re-watching an episode right now! I haven’t changed much.

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My childhood desk (ca. 1985?) suggests early interests in computers, books, photography and coffee.

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@Bristolvor But it had actual pushbuttons, unlike the one in my room :)

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My father. Presumably soon after watching a Marlon Brando film.

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@guriben @samsneed12 @jukesie I think it might have been a golf club bar. Probably looks just the same today.

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This was cutting-edge technology at the time.

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@hayles Pretty sure my high-tech digital watch there played “The Yellow Rose of Texas” for an alarm, too. I WUZ KEWL.

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Going through old nostalgia boxes. My career in the Air Training Corps did not see much actual flying.

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