@dangusset Mystery solved. And the explanation was not paranormal. I feel just like Scully.
@dangusset So it wasn’t your video? Because there was the same one on the same *hashtag* from someone else.
@dangusset Your original seemed to have an actual Vine attached as well as a picture?

@dangusset !? Do they? *Posts test photo* pic.twitter.com/hyZSGz8zrf
A 1902 rollercoaster versus one from a century further on. Progress, via @_FutilityCloset futilitycloset.com/2016/02/26/pro…
ismh Checking my to-do list after lunch on a Friday. media.giphy.com/media/8DNwRygI…
@AshleyEsqueda I’m thinking there can’t be many opportunities in life to spontaneously buy a golden octopus. Go for it.
Longshanks1307 Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords seems increasingly appealing as a basis for a system of government.
📷 Well played, Roo Bar. tmblr.co/ZD7hNx22QioTX
Welcome to Clifton Village, whose aura of Georgian quaintness is so strong it repels all mobile phone data signals.
@antichrista Yes, but only by spending far more of your time on list-writing and double-checking than you use by just going to the store.