I may be carrying too much stuff around. pic.twitter.com/0ODxiAJFLo
@thekarleighshow IT’S NOT RAINING.
charlesarthur Must-read (paywalls allowing..) twitter.com/lucykellaway/s…
@FozzTexx Do you know any archaeologists? One of those little trowel and brush sets would probably come in handy.
@soffes According to a Frederick Forsyth novel I once read, flying triangles used to be a way of indicating that your radio had failed.

@Spacekatgal @siracusa What does that remind me of? Oh, yeah, when Orlin made a Stargate in Carter’s basement! pic.twitter.com/39iDyUJH1b
@MandinaM That’s because I don’t tweet the six nights of the week I just sit on the sofa and binge-watch The X Files :D
@MandinaM I have been cleaning everything today. First chance to get the flat back in order after the bathroom fitting.
@guriben Nice.

Quick re-heat of yesterday’s leftovers for dinner, then it’s kitchen-cleaning time. pic.twitter.com/XlR1cdAJ6O
@Splitcoil Presumably he has important mysteries to solve in his ITV series.
@kshack22 Oh yeah. *Washes everything*
@Algardav Sadly, that’s a very long way up from my flat. I’ll just have to start renting myself out. It’s more satisfying than programming.
@PollyVVore Cormorant, I’d say.
Oh. When did the Park Street Mastershoe close?

Jason Major 🔑 pic.twitter.com/UQDFoNQook
@hayles Remind me to NEVER EVER buy one. The sodding Zanussi annoys me enough by beeping for five minutes WHILE THE DOOR IS STILL LOCKED.
@hayles Song? SONG?
@Algardav I’m actually starting to wish I had more dirty stuff.
@aallan “You know, that’s like 108 in human years. It had a good innings…”

StandupPicShow On Feb 27th we celebrate GALAXY QUEST @CUBECINEMA with top live comedy & a 35mm screening! tinyurl.com/z3puqey pic.twitter.com/5AOUivosDX
@BubbleButton Never even thought of that!
@ahnlak If you were a two and a half thousand year-old religious leader who’d just been pressure-washed, you’d look surprised, too.

Buddha looks happier now he’s had a wash, too. pic.twitter.com/zHQ2AAH43t

@Bristolvor I’m not going to do it all today. First quick blast v. effective though. pic.twitter.com/PQI29LJ5ZY
@porthjess You’re very welcome to borrow this beast. I accept no responsibility for any destruction, though.
@shezza_t Well, it’s done now. Pretty sure my life has much likelier health risks I should be addressing first…
@Bristolvor I rented one a couple of years ago, and it was brill. Only recently found out how much the prices have dropped & bought one.
bowbrick Wow. The (totally unofficial) ‘Helen Titchener Rescue Fund’ has raised £36,315.24 for @RefugeCharity so far: bit.ly/1XbDfW1
@shezza_t What, so now a seaweed tree is going to grow in my lungs?
@ahnlak And more to the point, they seem to have dived in price since I last looked. Less than £100.
@shezza_t Um. No?
📷 The Galli’s signs are always good. Enjoying the origami elephant here. tmblr.co/ZD7hNx21KDSo_

Well bloody hell. I guess this thing works, then. pic.twitter.com/jZ6WKzd7Tt

hughespaintings The odds of finding a stuffed bird that looked like Donald Trump in Bristol museum were low today, yet somehow… pic.twitter.com/iNFUQibmLv
@Bristolvor That was quite an exciting storm to watch, from indoors, with a cup of tea.