@nineweeks I’ve never heard the term before, but it seems like it would be appropriate for quite a lot of things…
@hayles Ah.
@kellyoxford “Pleasantly daughter-free, dear”?
@shezza_t “Finally, Brock! Revenge for all those shaving brushes! Lather us up, will they? Let’s get the bastards…”
@hayles What? Is she guarding the cakes?
“We can categorically state that we have not released man-eating badgers into the area.” http://bbc.in/eKOotM <— Yeah, we believe you. Not.
@nineweeks You just can’t trust the weaselly gits.
@Squonk I kid you not: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/…
Odd Wikipedia find: “In 2007 suggestions that British forces released man-eating badgers near Basra, Iraq, to kill terrorists were refuted.”
@rabidbee *giggle*
@SimonPeevers What button pushing have you tried? Hold both down for ages. Also: when it happened to me, erm, it had run out of battery.
@timhayward Okay, I don’t actually know what any of that means. I guess I’m not a macho “steak-culture” guy (whatever that is!) @KaveyF
@matthew_roach @archidave Surely we could turn all those Scottish wind-farms onto “blow”?
@KaveyF Well, I’ve had the steak with anchovy sauce there and it was very good indeed. @timhayward
hayles Could you freeze cake dough? I’d like to make some cakes, but I don’t have anyone to offload them onto! (I can’t eat 12 cakes myself)
Things I hope never to see, #857: Wikipedia’s “This article documents a current event…” box at the top of the article on a country I’m in.
@archidave Well, I hear houses in Iceland are going fairly cheap. @Swishrelic
@drewm A princess who is *particularly* sensitive to peas?
@roundonefight Aren’t you in Birmingham? How can it ever be too late to order a curry?
@arlinelyons You know something? That’s probably a unique sentence…
@arlinelyons Every site needs a 404 page :) http://beta.uniquesenten…
Coding. And possibly going slightly strange. http://plixi.com/p/79013…
Andy_Dutton Oppressed millions rising up against evil despots. It’s political madness gone correct.
@Jorence By the same person? :) Or by people you could throw in a room together and watch argue from a distance?
@BlackDogDays Not until _The Archers_ starts, anyway :D
@BlackDogDays That’s normally the point I switch Radio 4 on.
@tsunimee I’m not going to ask what that means.
@KaveyF Also: don’t add anything you don’t want to lose; db will be rebuilt before go-live.
@KaveyF When you have a mo, can you prod http://beta.uniquesenten…, and see if you can log in with existing account? Ta!
New joggity-blog: How Not to Train for a Half Marathon :) http://mattgetsrunning.c…
@KaveyF *poke*
@rabidbee I’m actually 87.
Someone in my timeline just used the word “Mac-lash”. With the groups I follow, I don’t know if they’re referencing computers or eye makeup.
@SpikyZebra I shall resist the temptation, then. I don’t like loud noises.