Weird. YouTube feels like it’s been around for ever. Twitter still feels relatively new. I joined YouTube in 2006, and Twitter in 2007.

TheThomason Halloween stores fill abandoned Blockbusters like a hermit crab taking a shell. Life finds a way.

@texasdunko Yup, this one.
maradydd Nov. 20, 1980: drilling engineers screw up measurement, punch a hole into a salt mine and accidentally drain a lake…
@texasdunko The old harbour railway line next to the Chocolate Path by the river. Soon to be the Metrobus tramway, I think.

@StephenBurton14 Thank you. Yes, it’s a shame that there’s such an opportunity for “urban decay” photos on Park Street :(

Park Street.
@LittleXoLeigh21 Back up here now. Glitch in the matrix.
Mary Brunel #igersbristol
@LittleXoLeigh21 Given that I just searched for #instagram to see if anyone else was having problems…
Sage advice #Bristol #igersbristol
@chrismarquardt Not just me, then. I thought LR should be going faster on a brand new Mac :(
chrismarquardt Adobe will bring old Lightroom import dialog back. They need to do more though: mem mgmt, speed on 5k iMac…

Watching the world go by.

Going al fresco at @Crepeaffaire on Park Street. But before I try the coffee I have to snap their sign, naturally ;)
nearlylegal The gentrification of Elephant and Castle rushes onwards…
@quellist1 Ah, *that’s* where mine went. Thanks for taking the hit. Will send crisps and a can of Irn Bru.
@youngandfoodish But mostly today will be spent sorting my books, decluttering, and other un-mentally challenging tasks!
@youngandfoodish Harbourside walk and a coffee. My emergency bacon sandwich supplies and can of Coke lie unused in the fridge for now ;)
@ahnlak Maybe. Paced myself fairly well, though. Even resorted to shandy at one point…
Surprisingly unhungover after my evening at Brewhouse. Tad tired, mind. Low-energy chores beckon today.

thesweetsetup How to create a personal podcast feed using Dropbox and JustCast…

petapixel This crazy-looking rifle shoots down drones with radio waves:
@atpfm I find Medium respectful of readers, i.e. I’m not scared to click on a link for fear of awful ads/bad design. Think that’s important!