@benjohnbarnes not bad, not brilliant. Jury still out, will need further testing :)
Right. Have bought aforementioned flapjack. Am taking it home to have after my run. Willpower FTW!
@KaveyF this is one of those irregular verbs, isn’t it? I cupcake, you overindulge, he has been thrown out of WeightWatchers…
Woah, have I got fatter? This running top doesn’t fit so well… Oh. Ah. Yes, it helps if you don’t put them on back-to-front. D’oh.
Might try an experiment tonight: a podcast instead of music. #getrunning
@bananza *giggle*
@davidpatrick That, my friend, is a slightly disturbing bit.ly link.
@davidpatrick Anyway. May check it out, but was actually trying spoken word instead of music :)
@hayles Thank you, by the way — currently watching last night’s Scrubs…
@Narshada Gulp. Currently awaiting my tax disc.
Still jonesing for afternoon flapjack, though :(
@benjohnbarnes not bad, not brilliant. Jury still out, will need further testing :) #getrunning
@hayles Heh. And Ted! I love a full-on Ted episode :)
@hayles Mmm. Scary big eyes.
Morning all! Being lazy today. Changing boats and going all the way to Bristol Bridge so I can grab Baristas coffee on way in :)
@shezza_t our numbers are also low. Lots of good decorations, though, plus the odd costume…
@shezza_t bought chocolate eyeballs for the team last night ;)
@scottejames signed up in the end, but can’t think of any reason to use it.
Ugh. Had coffee this morning (my first this week) and already I feel like I want to go get another one. Must sleep more.
My next meal is staring me down. http://twitpic.com/niwpk