@bertpalmer So *you* say. Need to spend a lot of time rating today’s photos now….
Morning all! Off for a jog, then off for a Flickr meet!
Damn! Men working on the Suspension Bridge chains, and all I have is my iPhone camera!
Well, that didn’t go brilliantly. Forgot road was closed on way to hill I wanted to try. Still, done some exercise.
(Specifically, this rather raggedy jog-stop-jog: http://bit.ly/1ZX0GG . But check out the elevation graph — bloody hills!)
@Jorence Had to stop a couple of times! But it’s my only option to get to the Downs, which is lovely jogging, so I’m going to keep trying!
@bananza Good luck with the marathon! Just keep putting one foot in front of the other :)
Outside the Cottage, watching model speedboat racing http://twitpic.com/k8d8f
Cake! http://twitpic.com/k8olm
Fab shot, Bert! RT @bertpalmer: had a great time photographing models on speedboats today ;o) http://flic.kr/p/74Kh4G
@theagilmore *ducks*
@KaveyF Thanks, by the way, for lending me that 300mm lens. Took it out on a whim today, and there turned out to be model speedboat racing!
Go, go @bananza! *does marathon cheerleader dance*
@KaveyF Canon EF 75-300 4-5.6 IS.
@Narshada Careful! It’s only a matter of time before she starts faxing photocopies of dead mice to you at work.
Seen today: The “B-Team” van. http://twitpic.com/k9uaq
@benjohnbarnes Nice and fast for me. Never seen a problem with the page load…
And this is why having Kavey’s 300mm with me was handy today: http://flic.kr/p/74Smsu :)
@theagilmore So, like, which of your hands is the non-guitar playing one, dear?