Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 13th, 2009

And now, the non-iPhone version of tonight’s photo: :)

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Back in from my massage. Have been dug into quite deeply. Hopefully it’s worked…

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So won’t deliver expensive electronics to work, but will deliver them to home using a courier who leaves them on the doorstep

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Mmm. Massage this evening. Mmmm

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Yay! Leftover party rings!

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@hayles That sucks. Hope everything turns out okay.

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@hayles yes, that sort of activity is best left to the evening. But how did it go?

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I walk from the boat/
Into steamy Centre clouds/
Falafel King mist

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Morning all! Looking pretty cold out there today. Think I’ll take the boat. Did walk 6km and run 5km yesterday, after all :)

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