Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 19th, 2009

Just about to watch Superstar (the Andy Warhol documentary.) Then bed beckons, I think…

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Whew. Back in from run. Pizza time, I think.

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Hmm. Think I’m going to have to go out for a run. Don’t like doing two days in a row, but it’s either that or take three days off in a row.

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@ahnlak Are you being interviewed for the Today programme? :)

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@chrismarquardt also, something I’ve noticed in other browsers - if images fail to load, you’re left with dark text on black background.

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@chrismarquardt Main content okay, but sidebar content appears below, not in sidebar.

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@benjohnbarnes Isn’t it still Sunday somewhere in the states? Now if only there was some kind of app for that…

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@Narshada Yes, very happy. It’s not brilliant in low light, but then I’m not sure any sub-£200 compact is. And it’s certainly good outdoors!

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@mikeotaylor @bexxi @hayles @prbristolblog Thanks all! Very happy with my weekend’s photography :)

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@benjohnbarnes Nope, no HDR. Very minimal processing, in fact, just a small crop and some mild curves adjustment.

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Cool! Apparently I made the Flickr front page!

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