@rhodri I’d hope not.
@hayles You, ma’am, should watch WarGames, which is (a) beloved film of both boy and girl geeks of all persuasions, and (b) explains DEFCON.
@hayles Do you allocate HAIRCON numbers, like DEFCON?
Quite pleased with my minor foray into typography last night: http://bit.ly/bTgr05
Staleware (n): Any piece of software you use just often enough that it needs to do a self-update and restart every single time you run it.
@Jorence @stillawake Sounds good to me. The Tweakfast Club. Okay, now it doesn’t sound good to me. We’ll have to work on the name :)
@Jorence @stillawake Heh. My typin’ fingers are extra-clumsy while I’m still waiting for the espresso machine to get up to temperature :)
@Jorence @stillawake Now look what you’ve done. Suddenly, this small Noel of Rice Krispies doesn’t seem quite… breakfasty enough.
Right. Definitely bedtime. Okay, definitely at least an hour past bedtime. Anyway. Better late than never. Night all!
‘kay. Will try again with next batch.
@tweeny4 Okay. Unfortunately, having tried it, I think I need more practice at figuring out which pictures it will work well with…
Hmm. Is there an easy way of getting @TextExpander to start on login? Sure it used to, but it doesn’t seem to any more…
@ArryMatt Awesome!
@treblechamp Indeed. Although I roughly double the average age on walking into a ‘shambles gig, it seems. Worth it, though :)
@treblechamp Saw them live in December in Bath. One of the best gigs of my life.
@treblechamp Listening to Beg, Steal or Borrow right now, in fact :) Think I have all the albums, plus a few random extras…
*sings* “She’s the last of… the English roses…” *sings*
@tweeny4 Do you do tutorials?
@BinaryDad Mm? Ah.
Thank you, eBuyer, for stepping up to the plate and sorting Parcelforce out. Hopefully. Will see if I can collect the right parcel on Sat!
Today’s experiment in #commutergraphy. Kinda. http://flic.kr/p/81W3bQ
Hmm. Should I experiment with @tweeny4 bars, I wonder?
@hayles oopsie. @stillawake, that should have been.
Anyway, yes, home from the six-hour Meeting From Hell. And at least there was carbohydrate-based compensation.
@archidave Nope; next actual race I’m signed up for is the half-marathon in September. Which is scary.
@hayles Oh yeah. FULL OF NOM.
@BradleyLaw Great chips, too. Highly decent pub fare all round, really.
@philmonger Yup, taking the week off. Done less running this month than I have for ages. So far. Back to it on Sunday, I reckon.
Walking home through gorgeous Bristol, alone, listening to Wolfman/Doherty’s _For Lovers_. It doesn’t get mich more wistful than this.
And I could actually taste the vodka in the salsa. Odd. http://twitpic.com/1nha28
About to have a Revolution Vodka Burger. Apparently.
All-day meeting. Which now extends into the evening. Meh.
@MizzWorthy I’m guessing never. I liked your tweet, by the way, pictures, naughty, naughty pictures, pics, prescriptions, learn SEO now.
Hmm. The Affordable Art Fair. That’s the one where I can never afford anything I like, isn’t it? Always slightly disappointed by that.
@hayles Yeah? Because their duck in tamarind and honey is FUCKING LUSH.
Aww. Just seen a swan literally taking a cygnet under its wing. I love my commute.
Hah. A @boagworld episode titled “Uncontrolled Ranting”. This should be good.
@hayles Arse. And the other good place — Yum Yum Thai — was mostly empty and is now something else, from what I remember.
@tsunimee Thanks sweetie :)
@hayles Beijing Bistro?
@hayles No, I guess Budokan is now toast. Sad. To be fair, they were a bit rubbish the last time I went. Shame, used to be _so_ good.
@hayles Huh? Oh, it’s _gone_? I knew the one in town had gone, I didn’t realise they were both gone.
@hayles Bugger. I want Budokan to still be good. Not been in ages.