@csoanes Heh. Well, the street in question does offer other products: http://flic.kr/p/86qpwZ
Ah, good, it’s not my Dad’s birthday today. I can call him tomorrow. (It wasn’t the birthday I forgot, it was the number of days in May!)
You either love this window display in Clifton Village, or you hate it :) http://flic.kr/p/86tB1o
@hannahnicklin Seemed like good advice, anyway :)
@bananza that’s my feeling, too. I don’t feel too bad about that, either.
Finally out of the flat. Hurrah! http://twitpic.com/1sqxbq
@canofpopcom Nah. Just don’t show shadows on Chrome specifically. Eventually it’ll get better and you can turn them back on.
@djelibeybi_meg I’ve done naff all so far this morning. Besides, only supposed to have cake after jogging at the moment…
@djelibeybi_meg Too much cake at Saturday’s barbecue :)
Looks like a nice day, though. Once I’ve done the Morning Pages, I may go do more of this: http://flic.kr/p/86hPYf
Bleh. Headache.
Back in from a 5K run. Had to do _some_ running before the end of the weekend. Anyway. Here is a snap from my route: http://flic.kr/p/86uGCp
Is it still down for you? Because it’s up over here…
Ugh. Tired, and not in the mood for a run.
@hayles Hint: Put the hammer down when you can no longer pronounce “bookshelf construction” without slurring.
Chookooloonks Hysterical. And so clever. RT @georgiap: BP logo redesign contest! http://bit.ly/9qipCf