@psidnell I may have let the magic smoke out on a couple.
@hayles Happy birthday, youngster.

@oliverburkeman I got my third from some debt collection outsourcing place. “Chrissy” will *never* touch my base. pic.twitter.com/pWFroVmajg

Is my electronics section meagre because I was more ruthless than I remember last clear-out, or are they hiding? pic.twitter.com/5Cn7fBjoRG
@talkie_tim (I thought about going for the ham licence a long, long time ago, and I never throw a Penfold away :D )
@talkie_tim That would be Aerial Projects.

I don’t really have what you’d call a system for my books. pic.twitter.com/bkeekcjv9W
@uliwitness :D
@uliwitness Scared is okay, I think, as long as you’re enjoying it. I was scared of Ruby; turned out I also hated it…
Just got a parking ticket. And, hopefully successfully, managed to get the warden to take it back off again. That’s a first.
@mcelhearn Ah, shame.
@mcelhearn …they have online ordering too, of course.
@mcelhearn I like John Lewis for that; good customer service if anything goes wrong. I normally order in store for delivery, but…
FelicityMorse Crows will be our new overlords twitter.com/englishrussia1…

wkerslake There are twelve black dots at the intersections in this image. Your brain won’t let you see them all at once. pic.twitter.com/ig6P980LOT