Just had a slew of new unique sentences arrive on the site :) uniquesentence.com/sentence/browse
@_pigeons_ Bonsoir.
@_pigeons_ PLAN. Okay, arrange time/place next couple of days? Am imminently heading for bed right now…
@_pigeons_ Literally the only thing in my calendar for Thurday evening is “Set PVR for Jonathan Creek”. Reckon I can probably multitask :D
@_pigeons_ Well, in that case, I’ll chance it :)
@_pigeons_ As long as you’re not going to ask me how much it would be to buy my coffee before I’d finished it.
@_pigeons_ And you, right, *you* can… *explodes in a puff of rage*
@Bingo_Little I’m *still* getting people asking. Last one offered me £80 cash when the auction was already at £120… *sigh*
“YOU RECENTLY VIEWED THIS,” shouts eBay, and invites me to bid on… my own auction.
Factory Girl: despite the reviews, I enjoyed this film. Always been fascinated by Warhol & the Factory.
@OpinionatedGeek No worries. Give me a prod when it’s up :)
@OpinionatedGeek …I wish I’d gone through it with an app I didn’t care so much about before I had to do it with an important one!
@OpinionatedGeek Assuming you’ve nothing in the store yet already, I’d stick it in the store just so you get familiar with the process…
@OpinionatedGeek Presumably you could do all three :)

@hayles But it works well without that kind of trickery, too :) pic.twitter.com/Ia5S0XSfKR
@hayles …I took this shot against it, then inverted the colours so it turned pure white :) flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
@hayles Yeah, it’s very unreflective, especially if you can put it further back and blur it with depth of field…
@wordpressdotcom …as a phishing scam. Is there something odd going on, or is it some kind of false positive? Definitely looks suspicious!
@wordpressdotcom The subscription management page’s “Log In” link is @opendns detects…
Right. Film night commences.
DarmonRichter Urban Exploration: London’s Dark Satanic Mills [The Bohemian Blog] thebohemianblog.com/2014/02/urban-… #urbex #london #photography #infiltration
ohhelloface Getting #married in or around Bristol and need a Makeup Artist? bristolweddingmakeup.com please retweet! x
@danvesma My guess: because @ruskin147 is off skiing :)

@tsunimee Seventeen. Was a sixties cult masterpiece. pic.twitter.com/AH9kVyIQNn
@tsunimee I loved the original series. Portmeirion, the original setting, is real, in Wales, and totally quirktastic.
matt_fwyalchen I’ve just been startled by a behoodied boy racer screeching his tyres while playing John Denver at full blast. I love Aberystwyth.
“Those are some nice-looking little packets you’ve got there. Be a shame if anything… happened to them.#comcasts#netflixix
WSJ Breaking: Netflix has agreed to pay Comcast to ensure movies and TV shows stream smoothly to Comcast customers. on.wsj.com/1jqUnnB
@boagworld You’ve gone to the country that invented chips to eat pizza?
@chubbybannister Oh, was I doing my blind thing? Sorry. Yes, didn’t fancy the queue for wildlife photog.
@mhoulden Classy.
@talkie_tim I guess that’s good for them, but bad for us. Though I can normally go on a week-day morning when I actually notice it’s on!
This kind of space just attracts Capris, it seems. flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
@talkie_tim I didn’t know it had moved. At the City Museum I could hardly miss it, so I didn’t bother looking out for it specially…
Stencil #bristol instagram.com/p/kw2F35JC2h/
Sometimes, #bristol seems to define “random”. instagram.com/p/kwz7BaJCzh/
Vauxhall Bridge #bristol instagram.com/p/kwxonPpCwe/

This bench could be better- placed, view-wise. pic.twitter.com/YQUJH6xnZV
@charlie_cat_esq I’ve done it a couple of times but not systematic enough to have sourced bags yet!
Damn. Last day of Wildlife Photographer of the Year at M-Shed, but I’m not in the mood for a queue that long.
The Favourites of the Emperor Honorius instagram.com/p/kwt9-kpC74/
@asic69 Not at all, dear.

@pocketsupport My apologies. That was meant to be accompanied by a screenshot: pic.twitter.com/Y6T65DndO1