Pure Data is interesting to play with, but the interface is awful. Like looking at a pre-alpha of Quartz Composer from 1992. But crashier.
ASPBridgwater Latest update about the #somersetfloods from our website. avonandsomerset.police.uk/newsroom/polic…
misssouthfood Do you have a porridge drawer? You need to get one because few things are better on a cold Monday than fried porridge northsouthfood.com/fried-porridge/
Anyway. Morning, Twitter. Looks like it’s going to be a nice day in Bristol today.
Personally, I think they cancel out. Jolene is amazing, but if I never hear Whitney warbling the other one again, it’ll be too soon.
husseybyname Just a reminder, Dolly Parton wrote Jolene and I Will Always Love You on the same day. You’ll never have a day that amazing. Ever.