@Swishrelic I don’t actually know much about Montpelier.
@Jorence Oh, you said “Carmen”. I mis-read that as “Cameron” for a minute; thought you were at the debate!
Just sending Radio 4 a legal clearance form — apparently they may use my Eyjafjallajökull dance remix on tomorrow night’s News Quiz! :)
Sky say “Leader’s Debate”. Telegraph say “Leaders’ Debate”. BBC say “Leader Debate”. Any opinions? #grammar
Probably my two favourite photo from tonight’s #leadersdebate action in Bristol: http://flic.kr/p/7VzyUU
I was channeling @teacherdude this evening :)
Oop, “two favourite photo” doesn’t make much sense; I changed my mind mid-tweet. Here’s the other one I liked: http://flic.kr/p/7VzzKf
@KaveyF “Not very PC?” #unintentionalpuns
Photo: Custody (by gothick_matt) Tonight, I have mostly been hanging around outside the Leaders’ Debate in… http://tumblr.com/xnc8yf…
@KaveyF He shall now be known forever in my mind as the “Not Very PC”.
@mhoulden Nope, it was running all day like normal, far as I could tell.
Simple domestic act or a political decision? http://yfrog.com/1rsr9hj
@hayles I think I shall head for mine, soon. Getting a bit dark for snapping.
@bristwestival I wouldn’t recognise them. Thus is the down side of getting all my news from The Today Programme.
Haven’t seen many politicians, though apparently Gordon Brown has recently turned up. Lots to snap though, Bristol ‘togs!
@canofpopcom Damn! Couldn’t you have asked that fifteen minutes _before_ the bank closed? I’ll never remember to pay this stupid thing in.
It would explain a lot if PMs always have a helicopter circling them. It’s only day two for me, and I already want to invade somewhere.
I watched the News at One this afternoon. Didn’t even need to bother with a TV, either. http://flic.kr/p/7VwRGC
Judging by the bike escort, I was just passed by a leader on the Hotwell Road.
I recommend watching this with a large live audience who are allowed to clap and jeer. #leadersdebate http://yfrog.com/5zipxj
Well, the adoring masses are a good start, but I haven’t trained them to curtsey yet. http://yfrog.com/28pw6j
@talkie_tim What, pensioners?
@paulahillier *hug*