Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 29th, 2010

RichNeville Cameron wants 200,000 apprentices. That’s insane. Alan Sugar would be dead before he could fire that many.

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@gary8345 To be fair, she’s a rare exception on the morning ferry; most people are generally quite cheerful.

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Need a good book recommendation for someone who takes on too much stuff and never gives herself a break. Suggestions?

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@zinziii Can you not plug your camera straight in to a USB port?

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@zinziii *tcha*. Youngsters. When you get to my age, that’ll just be a great reason to have another cup of tea.

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Feeling particularly fat today. Which is odd, considering I’m empirically the lightest I’ve been for years.

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Bristol 10K race pack just arrived :)

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I suppose I should worry more about a voting card than a race pack. Still, as Labour phoned me up t’other day, I’m probably on the register.

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@hayles Well, to be fair, today I was going up Park Streeet in the passenger seat of an MX5, and I didn’t see you until the last minute :)

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@hayles Guilty. My excuse was that I wanted to get home before it rained, but I admit that was probably purely an excuse.

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@Lillput Yeah, I was more worried about the possibility of the lack of it indicating I’m not registered. Sure I remember doing it online.

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I think we need a good name for the ending of privacy. The aprivalypse?

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@DrHairbear I think last week’s was only fun because I was with a live audience down the road. Would’ve nodded off otherwise.

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@kayliemansfield Yeah, but that’s because of all the bloody kids roaming the streets. Oh, hang on a mo…

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@tsunimee Will you stop talking about voluptuous women? This leaders’ debate is too easy to get distracted from without that.

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@canofpopcom But how much of that is because it’s cold and pissing down, I wonder?

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@laverneshow Probably trying to head-butt the TV screen. Still: awwww.

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@talkie_tim Yes, well, he’s probably stressed since they confiscated his dumbbell on the way in.

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Hmm. Using a stranger’s name as many times as possible in a conversation. Nick Clegg may be my dental hygienist in drag.

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@tsunimee smart, slightly crazy women with good smiles. Ish.

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@Jorence Tell them you mis-heard the instructions and used an ironing fjord.

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