Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 21st, 2010

RT @chrysaora: Global Frequency 88.1FM on noooowwww! Just played @gothick’s Eyjafjallajokull remix. <— MIT campus radio? Cool!

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See the Arnolfini’s all fenced off & surrounded with stage lighting and security guys. That’ll be the leadership debate, then?

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@teacherdude Heh. Think I surprised them a bit by floating past in a boat with a big camera ;). Might swing by again later.

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@teacherdude Arr! Though I think a more traditional approach from the other side of the temporary fencing would probably be best.

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Hmm. Vans, helicopter, mounted police, and I’d guess the only beggar I’ve seen is probably Special Branch.

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@DrHairbear @tweeny4 Sophisticated my arse. Saw one reading the Daily Mail the other day.

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@rabidbee Yeah. And if you had Sky News on you could watch it from both angles.

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@hannahnicklin Is the old standard of shoving a wire coat-hanger into it feasible?

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@dottyteakettle I imagine they’ll close a road or two, but I’m not sure how much chaos it’ll actually cause.

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@archidave Moat-like is all very well, but if your moat is well-stocked with boats, you can get quite close :)

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@shezza_t No, but he will be tomorrow. Er, he _is_ one of the three people we want running the country, right?

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@mikedunn @hayles Sorry. Shouldn’t have drawn your attention to it!

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@hayles Caught it on Sky News openly talking about the Arnolfini and showing the inside of the studio, so I guess it got declassified.

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Hmm. Wonder if I’ll be able to get the boat to work tomorrow, or if there’ll be an exclusion zone around the Arnolfini?

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@hayles Yeah, but then I won’t be able to take pictures with a big lens as I pootle past at close range.

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@hayles Which is something I may, er, or may not, be planning to do. *whistles innocently*

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@thomasvenables I have a sneaking suspicion you’re right. But surely MI5 already know I’m not organised enough to be an anarchist.

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