@sstarr That is not a particularly high bar, believe me :)
Text from Xcode: textfromxcode.com #geek
@Thehappyfatgirl @MissEmmeline This is series one I’m talking about.
Hmmm. Should I watch The Wire, episode 2? Episode 1 just introduced a bunch of people I neither understood nor cared about. @MissEmmeline
RT @KaveyF: Just got into bed to read and enjoy the changing colours of the Bristol sky: yfrog.com/mg4t3hxj <— Sky TV! #badumtish
@tsunimee SMELL OF MAN. That’s the new one from Yves St. Laurent, right?
@BlackDogDays CAKEZEN. My favourite zen.
@BlackDogDays @stillawake The lunchtime ones were good. The ones I just had at the Cowshed were fab. Please do not hold this against me. X
@stillawake (Really good chips, too. Sorrier.)
@stillawake Sorry.
What? A post-ribeye Maker’s Mark? Don’t mind if I do.

.@waiyeehong Yup! Here is @KaveyF and @ahnlak. pic.twitter.com/STCLQSGi
@waiyeehong The Cowshed, Whiteladies Road. The duck was lush, as was the ribeye ;)
RT @FishDerekDick: fish-thecompany.com/forum/viewtopi… The hands of Fish update. <— Goodness. Another of my heroes has Dupuytren’s. @guriben
@CoreStrengthUK @hayles And if you want a really cheap place to escape work, it’s near the Westherspoons, of course :D #alkiematt
@hayles (Street next to Hippodrome, between optician and Mainline recruitment, as-was, just a little way down on left. Food & drink good.)
@hayles Next time, try Espirito, but I don’t know if it’s that great a location for a sunny day.
@hayles …but never found anywhere that awesome. Used to have to go further afield, St. Nick’s, etc.
@hayles Me and @MissEmmeline tried to find a really good place when we were working Victoria Street/Queen Square ourselves…
@hayles Never liked Cafe on the Square. The Gusto’s actually not bad. I’d also cross Centre to get to Espirito; depends how far you’d go.
@petedrinks Fentimans style. Was just nattering about it to someone t’other day and got curious about making it myself.
@BlackDogDays @stillawake :( Well, I’m probably free next week, too…
@stillawake Are you following me? :)
On the cross-harbour ferry. instagr.am/p/MS0_LVJC7Z/
@stillawake Just left on the ferry. Have to be at t’buttery :)
Waiting for cross-harbour ferry :) @stillawake
@benjohnbarnes Yo. I’m about.
@BlackDogDays @stillawake Aww. Soz to hear that. I’ll be working at Watershed this morning, so still up for cross-harbour chips, Jo?