Bed, glorious bed.
Wandering home from @DaveGorman gig. Excellent stuff :)
@guriben Ta.
Right. Dave Gorman, here I come. :)
*Looks nervously at sky* *Goes back for umbrella*
@hayles Soon you’ll have caught up with what I was saying last week.
@hayles 85% of the Jimmy Carr story is being kept in Jersey for efficiency. That’a probably why it passed you by.
@KaveyF I thought that was going to be a poem.
@stillawake @stebax We were thinking of heading for Glastonbury Tor until we saw the weather report. Loved Avebury for last winter one.
@redlegoman I had quite a good one, but I Freecycled it after I realised I hadn’t used it for six years :)
@Phooto Nor am I. Also, I’d need a ukulele.
@chubbybannister Well, that’s rubbish, isn’t it? Probably not someone you want to work for, really…
@redlegoman I’ve actually considered that. My only remaining tape player doesn’t have aux in. And don’t know if recipient even has one :)
@redlegoman Most of the time, this works fine. But there’s nothing that’s properly replaced giving someone a C60 :)
@redlegoman (Especially if you want them in the arbitrary order you’ve put them in the playlist. Grr.)
@redlegoman Probably not. But even then, trying to get MP3s out of an iTunes library stocked with AAC would give it a run for the money.
It’s more hassle to shove songs on a memory stick from iTunes than it was to make a mixtape for a friend in the 80s. Bloody future.
@Kanga_Rue Well done!
@says_arline Yes. That’s the other thing they’re missing. The battery life that, er, phones used to have.
@talkie_tim I bet Orange coverage is okay there, given that the only phone shop is an Orange specialist. MOAR MICROCELLS PLEASE DAMN IT.
@Swishrelic I’d be willing to be it wouldn’t on O2 in any shop in Clifton Village.
@guriben Mine described it as “still growing”, which I thought was a nice spin :D
The one missing killer feature nobody’s yet successfully put into a smartphone: the ability to RELIABLY MAKE A SODDING PHONE CALL. #grr
Damn. Hour and a quarter of my morning blown on sight test. Upside: my vision definitely improving with age. Lower prescription again.
Wish O2 would stick a mast somewhere near Clifton Village. Coverage in the shops around here is dire.
@wotfs Ta ;)
@tsunimee Awww. *hug*
“Are you interested in a free hearing test while you’re here?” Golden opportunity for the “pardon?” gag, but I guessed they heard it before.
SourdoughCafe ALERT…….sunshine @stnicksmarket and farmers market and coffee from @extractcoffee and home made quiche is in the oven!
Ooop. Eye test. Good job I put that in my calendar. #lastminutematt
anna_debenham My cereal has an app. This is not how I imagined the future.
@BlackDogDays This does not look like a terrible day to potter in the garden, at least.
@kayliemansfield Morning, dear. And it’s actually bloody sunny. Well, it is right now, at least.
benedictbrogan William Shatner has apologised for claiming Ilfracombe is full of prostitutes on Have I Got News For You…
@wotfs I’ve no idea. But I wouldn’t have wanted to be in it much when they did.