@johnprescott I heard modern loaf was rubbish. #blurcookingshow
@Juggzy Oh. Goodness. Sorry to hear about Seven. X
Mmm. Full of Yo! Sushi sushi and Cornubia beer. And got a bonus lift home :D
St Nicks. instagr.am/p/ML7eynpC6W/
@shezza_t It was my pleasure. Though possibly not my upstairs neighbours’.
@stillawake @BlackDogDays Hooray! #chipsallround
Paper_Polly Just had a message saying someone’s posted something for me on Google+. They’ve left it with a neighbour as I’m never there.
@computermuseum @talkie_tim I hear the sound of incoming beam lasers and the whine of a shield running hot. *targets a missile*

computermuseum Thanks to @DavidBraben for the RT - look what we have on display today Mr. Elite !! :-) pic.twitter.com/vEazRhOH
iamdanw “Quadcopter drone group held in London airport on suspicion of terrorism” siliconrepublic.com/innovation/ite… (Southend counts as a London airport?)
@BlackDogDays @stillawake You could be right. Anyway. That’s corrected now. Midday. Chips. Buttery. Monday. Good. #chips
@BlackDogDays @stillawake Yes! Though I just put it in my calendar as “Chips! Buggery!” by mistake. Oops.
@benjohnbarnes ‘K. Let me know when you’re less broody. Want to discuss Play Store account setup, etc.
@claireellent @DaveGorman I already heard the results of *that* experiment. I don’t think it needs independent validation!
@mattgemmell I just had a vomsperience.
@claireellent I couldn’t help it. I just bought Sugar Puffs. This is all @DaveGorman’s fault.
Looking forward to YO! Sushi this evening. (I wonder if they have a branch in Westward Ho!? I! would, if I! were THEM!)
@benjohnbarnes You around this afternoon for a quick sit-down?
@bexxi ta :)
helenlewis “The EU may as well have put a lipstick on a string, and filmed 18 year old models doing a belly crawl after it” newstatesman.com/blogs/martha-g…
BTP. As is often the case. instagr.am/p/MLMvz5JCyU/
@slicknic I told them to bugger off, as I have done, at least once a week, every week I’ve worked from home this year. Sigh.
Another scam call from “Windows Technical Support”. Is there really nothing that can be done about these fools? (By the police, I mean…)
My oldest friend Alison needs someone with musical background to witness Guinness World Record attempt tomorrow (cont) tl.gd/hvbli7
(I do not know yet what the record is. Or many other details. I know she’ll cover fuel costs, though!)
Friend needs someone from the music industry (teacher, producer, etc.) to witness world record attempt tomorrow in Minchinhampton. Anyone?
“This wasn’t due to a hack or our new office or Euro 2012 or GIF avatars, as some have speculated today.” — Twitter VP in.reuters.com/article/2012/0…
@Thehappyfatgirl Well, I’m free most evenings from now to eternity :/
@sowerbyandluff Yes. I’ve just stopped working in an office all day. Some sunshine to wander out into on impulse while I can would be nice.
@sowerbyandluff You May be right.
@BlackDogDays Always a pleasure. x
@RevRichardColes And the internet wins over reality once again.
@BlackDogDays I had to look Spanx up on the internet. They do a “Spanx for men compression top”. I’d be as dense as a neutron star in one.
@thenicolabryant Heh. Those last two tweets of yours make a great couple :) MORNING DEAR! *slams doors*
paulbradshaw Analysis of chords used in popular songs bit.ly/LKTxEy
@mrs_sock @tsunimee My life would be very different if I picked up gay fever pills from the chemist by mistake.
Nearly 9AM. Probably time to stop trying to learn Radiohead’s _Creep_ on the ukulele and get ready for some more work :) Morning all!