@Mouse_House I do not judge, Mouse. I just listen. *hug*
@Ninja_lynneja Quick and simple; my kind of recipe. recipes.gothick.org.uk/Farfalle_with_…
Pasta with sesame seeds and goat’s cheese. Doesn’t look like much, but it tastes fab. #newrecipe instagr.am/p/MJL553JC1k/
@foxc Aww. Went for childhood holidays to Swanage. Might be the first place I played with a bucket and spade.
@KeithGough1 Surely that’s more IT Support’s department?
@Skud Did a girl-friend’s laundry the other day; checking jeans pockets before the wash my thought was WHAT?! IS THIS *ALL* THERE IS!?
@Indiechops Heh. So am I, but I’m also addicted to coffee, which overcomes the laziness, too. @firedupjo you an Extract fan too? Cool :
Trying to remember whether I actually transferred at an Italian airport for one of our snowboarding holidays, or whether I made that up.
@uliwitness Er. Never heard either of those. I’d pronounce it to rhyme with the British (as opposed to American) pronunciation of “during”.
@weirdoldhattie It’s a sweet little thing. Can’t believe how light it is.
@guriben This little soprano was less than half that including a nice gig bag. Need to see if I get on with it before spending too much!
@claireellent Well, they have to dress it up a bit to make it sound worth the money. “Toothy polyfilla” just doesn’t cut it on an invoice :)
@Phooto I’ll give you a shout once I’ve learned a couple of chords. Won’t get to play properly until the weekend.
@claireellent Will do. *shuffles sideways off stage, doffing cap while still playing*
@Phooto I just did! Brunswick.
@claireellent How was this morning, by the way? Everything go smoothly?
@claireellent I did observe to the guy in the shop that it was impossible to play a uke without looking a bit like George Formby :)
@Phooto Bloke in t’shop said it had decent strings on it. And I trust him; bought lots of stuff from him before. And he gives uke lessons :)
New toy. instagr.am/p/MI7M-MJC9Z/
@omegamusicuk Yes thanks!
@runnerbeany Cool!
*considers buying ukulele on way home*
@MissEmmeline *sticks tongue out*
@MissEmmeline I’m on a one-hour lunch break drinking green tea, slave-driver!
@MissEmmeline I think I have a working sander or two around the place. Will have to check; I’m in BTP at the mo.
@hayles Excellent. Say hi to everyone from me :)
@MissEmmeline Incidentally, I *think* that rucksack has a pull-out rain cover somewhere, if you need it.
@MissEmmeline With all due respect: you, ma’am, are an organisational nightmare on legs. x
@parryphernalia Rest/work day. Longer run at weekend, probably Sat. You?
@stillawake @BlackDogDays Clifton also a fine alternative :)
@BlackDogDays @stillawake No? I thought that, but I checked their website and thought it said they did. Will have to check signs!
Rain stopped play. instagr.am/p/MIrD_YpC3o/
@Indiechops @firedupjo Hell, yeah. Makes great coffee, quickly, easy to wash up, too.
@BlackDogDays If it’s hammering with rain there, I’m not bringing you a cheesecake. It would melt. #someoneleftthecakeoutintherain
@BlackDogDays @guriben I magnanimously forgive you, now it’s stopped raining. *heads for Clifton Village really quickly*
@BlackDogDays I’d love it if I wasn’t in need of lunch and trapped at home.
Holy moly. Hope @MissEmmeline wasn’t cycling home in this. #downpour
@stillawake @BlackDogDays I should be free next Monday until mid-afternoon. We could do Buttery, if wet Grain Barge? Only ferry hop away :D
@Thehappyfatgirl Yeah, I could do with some of that. Working quite well today, but I can feel tiredness setting in.
@BlackDogDays @stillawake Yes. Though we may need an indoor alternative, too!
@jontangerine This is one of my few iMac dislikes — difficult to repurpose when they’ve passed their initial use.
@cybermango @rem *snigger*
rem I started this tumblr to look at how sites present the “we use cookies” - feel free to add ones you’ve found: this-site-uses-cookies.tumblr.com
@stillawake @Bristol52 @lahloopantry @wshed Damn it. Now I’m hungry. And it’s not been that long since I got around to breakfast.
Ooh! An envelope! Full of tickety goodness. instagr.am/p/MIcjVlpC0O/
@Bristol52 @BristolTweeter @Andy_Jubb Good call. Primrose and @Rosemarino1 are my favourite breakfast places in CV.
Coding. And wondering whether it’s too early for a second Aerorpress coffee…
@liveindetail I had mine wired with X-10 a while back. Trouble is, you’ve still got to remember to fill it.