Just felt really guilty about procrastinating, before I realised I was doing exactly what I was meant to be doing. Not used to enjoying it!
Hrm. @MailChimp’s security questions involve high school mascots and third grade teachers. This would be easier if I were American…
Animated GIF: What @ahnlak looks like when he’s given a box of beer :D tumblr.gothick.org.uk/post/259992875…
@hayles Yup. Not feeling that bad, but I’d rather go out for lunch on a day when I can properly enjoy it :D

Scary button. pic.twitter.com/LMyl15Xj
@hayles Yes. When I’m feeling a bit better. Not going out today :(
@hayles I had ribeye at the Cowshed on Monday and it was awesome. Just thought that knowing that would help you :D
Toast and honey. #lunchwin
@Thehappyfatgirl @liveindetail @Ninja_lynneja No; I’d be too scared of fraternising with anyone important enough to have her own office…
@Thehappyfatgirl Okay. Maybe not *anything*. *frowns*
@Thehappyfatgirl You have. But you called me gorgeous, so I’ll forgive you for anything right now. x
@simonblackwell @julesmattsson spotted some at Waterloo last week. Worrying that it’s now becoming routine. twitter.com/julesmattsson/…
@Thehappyfatgirl I have a cup of coffee. I think that makes us even.
@tsunimee @AThriftyMrsUK Aww.