Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

June 29th, 2012

@Thehappyfatgirl I am at the Lydia Lunch gig at the Fleece and it makes me very happy :)

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Lydia. Lunch. Raw. Raw something. Raw anything. Raw.

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Also: if you speak to me before next week, sorry I couldn’t hear a word you said.

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Wowzer. _Rock In Your Pocket_ quickly remind me why I utterly love live music. . Lydia Lunch next :D

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At the Fleece. Not many other people here. On the plus side, _Teenage Kicks_ is on the PA and I’m nattering with Big Jeff ;D

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My new glasses definitely don’t work as well as the old ones. *Sigh* Back to the optician next week, methinks.

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Right. I’m off to see Lydia Lunch. Have a nice evening, Twitter.

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(*Adds @WilliamShatner to his “internet gossip flirts” list*)

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WilliamShatner Hoping to do a documentary on ST:TNG. I don’t know if you know but there’s a mysterious story that needs to be told and I’d like to tell it.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 7:20 PM, Jun 29th, 2012 via Echofon)

@Mouse_House (And I didn’t even have an environmentalist nagging me back then :D )

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@Mouse_House Best I found was to try them, and get off and push when I ran out of puff. Was surprising how much further I made very day.

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@Mouse_House …but it would probably kill me if I tried it right now. Another few weeks, and hopefully I’ll be a bit less scared of hills.

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@Mouse_House …so that definitely includes an “up” like Marlborough Hill. And short sharp shocks are better than long annoying uphills…

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@Mouse_House I used to ride from Victoria Street up to Redland (Cambridge Park, round the back of the hospital at the top of Whiteladies…)

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@Mouse_House It was only a week or two’s worth of getting off x% of the way up the hill and pushing before I made it to 100% :D

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@Mouse_House I feel your pain. From what I remember, it didn’t take *that* long to get used to hills when I did it before, though.

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@Mouse_House I used to ride up Park Street just so I could go to the shops in Clifton Village on the way home to Hotwells.

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@Mouse_House Probably. I seem to respond quite well to being nagged, all things considered. :D

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@Mouse_House Good news is, aforementioned friend lives on a flat route a few miles away, so that’ll be good practice!

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@Mouse_House I’ve owned a bike all this time, and it’s mostly been gathering dust. Friend of mine has been (rightfully) nagging me to use it

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Hrm. Probably best not to take web design advice from a website that doesn’t load, right?

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@Mouse_House Nice one, Mouse. I am trying to get out on my bike more, but am also unfit. Hills are my nemeses.

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@stillawake Thank you. This low-grade cold is more annoying than anything else. Just taking the edge off things I should be enjoying :/

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@petedrinks Yes. But I’ve already drunk this one. Damn. I might have to go back to Oddbins tomorrow to get some more to enter :D

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@Sirius7dk They actually have engines in some of them, then?

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Woo! Scored a rare “limited edition” (ahem) Southville Hop without the glass logo :) @BrisBeerFactory @petedrinks

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Ah, a TVR in its natural environment. Up on axle stands surrounded by perplexed mechanic and worried owner.

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@asic69 Not unless her act has changed significantly since the last time I saw her.

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Still feeling ropey. Off to see Lydia Lunch at the Fleece tonight regardless. Might buy beer on the way home to fortify me for the evening.

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@jdfwarrior Aha! Yes, turns out @alfredapp is made unhappy if you try to use it to open a symbolic link that points to *itself*. My bad.

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Hmm. Normally good-as-gold @alfredapp is taking up 2GB of real memory, 9.87GB virtual. Think I may have broken something…

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Brays_Cottage Responsible newsmonger @MailOnline… article on a wedding pie using our picture uncredited. Nice! Do RT

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:32 PM, Jun 29th, 2012 via Echofon)

@archidave I dunno. I imagine both at once could be pretty nice.

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@guriben It’s both right and wrong at the same time.

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@liveindetail Only because my arms cover my ears.

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Why is my @lastfm client playing some tracks at the wrong speed? Is John Peel haunting their servers?

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Tweets from @timhayward so far today are reminding me of my worst ever hungover where-am-I hotel morning.

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@ShabbyBean I thought that was just your accent.

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joshuatopolsky My Nexus 7 review. Late, yet early. Enjoy.…

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 8:36 AM, Jun 29th, 2012 via Echofon)

Sunshine and scrambled eggs. The morning is going well so far.

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What’s that? @getrunningapp for Android? In the Play Store? Whoo!…

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