willsmith It’s taken almost my entire lifetime, but Voyager 1 is on the cusp of leaving the solar system. bit.ly/Lo7N2D
@Thehappyfatgirl Really? Because this arm’s gone kind of numb.
*Looks around at deserted office* So, I guess there’s more football on this afternoon, then…
@ShabbyBean Though I think a Barista’s biggun is a lot smaller than a Starbucks biggun :)
@guriben Oh. Fuck!
@guriben Is that an ANSI fuck or an ECMA fuck?
Bristol52 We review Park Street’s brand new tapas bar and lounge, La Tomatina… ow.ly/bzz0U

@ShabbyBean Only 10p off for your own cup, but I think the prices are a bit lower in general. pic.twitter.com/b3A33l3U
@MandinaM Thank you.
From Pero. instagr.am/p/L2JHS7pCxk/