Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

June 5th, 2012

It’s been a good day. Now it’s bedtime, as I have to be up for work in the morning for the first time in a fortnight and a bit. Sigh.

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Alan_Machnik @amateuradam RANDOM ADVICE: David Cameron is an anagram of Random Advice.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 9:44 PM, Jun 5th, 2012 via Echofon)

Er. Back to work with a bang tomorrow, then, Bristol?

via Echofon

@hayles I used to have more of a handle on Wi-Fi-enabled cafes. Shame Oppo on Park Street closed; they were ace for working in.

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@hayles But if I were camping out to work without it, probably Watershed or the Park Street Starbucks. Sadly Baristas lack a loo!

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@hayles Different for me, as I have 3G dongle thingy. This is why I survive in BTP; their Wi-Fi is normally ropey.

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@hayles If it were an option, believe me, I wouldn’t. However, I need a new kitchen. (Or possibly a whole new house somewhere else.)

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@hayles You’re camping out in cafes in town when I have to go back to work? What are we, a tag-team?

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@archidave He also appears to have favourited a photo by my dad of a door handle. Odd.

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Cooking random food.

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Hrm. I fancy a drink. Wish I’d thought of that while I was still up in Clifton Village.

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simon_price01 BBC News just interviewed a woman using a Union Jack as a hijab. A hundred thousand BNP/EDL types’ walnut brains explode.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:08 PM, Jun 5th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@shezza_t You think it was maybe the checked trousers and scarf?

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Ah, Clifton Village on Jubilee Bank Holiday. The smell of damp barbecues and forlorn hope.

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It may have been foolish to arrange to meet someone up it t’Village at 2pm. *Stares out at downpour*

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Hrm. A picture of me just got added to the favourites of a Flickr user called “Oh my God, how I love those bears”.

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But, truth be told, the main problem I’m having with the Facebook API is that testing involves being on Facebook, which is distracting :)

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*slaps the Facebook API around the face with its own over-complicated documentation*

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FrankieMcGinty This must be what a month of Sundays feels like.

via Tweetlogix (retweeted on 10:00 AM, Jun 5th, 2012 via Echofon)

Speaking of work, I really should get on with some…

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@KaveyF Yes. That would be a pretty bad time to confuse hippos with good. I can see that. Did she forgive you?

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@KaveyF You/tooth is very weird. I think the other one is pretty hippos, though.

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My phone keeps correcting “mornin’” to “morning’”. Someone needs to teach phones what apostrophes mean.

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@KaveyF Excellent! *bounce*. If you want to stay, need more notice than normal, mind, as sometimes have someone crashing on sofa at mo.

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@KaveyF See, I never got condensed milk. But you’ll get me right back to childhood if you pour Carnation Evaporated Milk over tinned fruit.

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@KaveyF No, I was talking to the *other* @KaveyF, dear. I’d *never* call *you* a fruitloop.

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@domwakeling I am having the opposite experience. Bought some BTP medium roast beans yesterday, so I’m freshly-ground and aeropressed now :D

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ruskin147 Interesting - FT ad “the truth about Google” from You have to go online to find it’s funded by Microsoft

via Camera on iOS (retweeted on 8:58 AM, Jun 5th, 2012 via Echofon)