Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

June 1st, 2012

@Easybourne Ah, the Fatal Curse of the Network Tinkering. A horror show if ever I saw one…

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@Easybourne I found power-cycling mine quite effective when I was trialling Netflix on mine.

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caitlinmoran 40 “most powerful” photographs ever taken. At least two of these will make you cry:

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Snappity: The polenta cake @MissEmmeline and I shared at Tart this afternoon ;)

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Ah. Guess this means the point curve problem thingy is definitely addressed in 4.1…

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@ShabbyBean Nope, on hols today, and if I’m heading out it’ll be the Louie for me… Enjoy!

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@stellacreasy Bear in mind that DNS changes take some time to filter through, even if you’ve made the right changes.

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@guriben Think we missed each other by a couple of hours. Though by then I’d had a couple of Summer Hares, too, so bit hazy on detail :)

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@guriben Oh, did you Grain Barge yesterday? I had a Sunrise there on my way home, but probably a lot earlier than you…

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@BradleyLaw Well, it’s a clock, in a gimbal. Like one of these: But I don’t know why you’d put a clock in a gimbal.

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But it’s quite cool that my dad and I both chose the same sunnies, separately, from Boots’ entire range…

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Went on hols with pair of Boots sunglasses. Came back with two utterly identical pairs. Ooops.

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@MissEmmeline Also, if it helps plan, I will probably be driving to @40alfredplace, so can give you a lift anywhere from there if you want.

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@MissEmmeline Cool, I’ll be around. Having a day of gently getting stuff done to the background noise of the holiday laundry :D

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@tsunimee I imagine I could get paid a lot of money *not* to wear that in public.

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Getting my lens repaired under Jessops’ Photo+ Repair Plan thingy seems to be going fairly painlessly. Returns label on the way.

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@MissEmmeline I’m sure I could be tempted. Should I bring this hairbrush, too? :)

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@BlackDogDays And we did go for breakfast in @Rosemarino1 on the way, too.

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@BlackDogDays Not quite. Got in at 3:15am, so had to wait for them to open, at least :)

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@theshinythings Ta! Nice to be back. Especially as I don’t have to return to the day job until Wednesday :)

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@lizpscully How many geeks have you met who are happy with giving people the impression that that don’t know absolutely everything? ;)

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@BlackDogDays Always a pleasure to be spotted :)

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Awake. After yesterday’s chilled and slightly drunken travel-recovery day (ta, @MissEmmeline) it’s now unpack/laundry/work time. Coffee.

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