The English After Dinner #flickr “In 1807 the English of all classes were notorious amongst foreigners for the amount of alcohol they consumed…”
hinz_tamara “The temperature-sensing pandemic robot is malfunctioning because of climate change” is the most dystopian thing I’ve ever written.…
poppy_northcutt After seeing “Hidden Figures” some think we did these calculations manually. Not so. Not in our head, not by hand, not with a slide rule. We used what were for the time high speed computers. Development on Univac 1108. Then into the IBM 360 at NASA’s Real Time Computer Complex.…

I wonder if an actual snake owns this 500 Abarth

FellnAndreas Ah, Beethoven.
Makes you wonder what he’d have made of Carrick House.

St Andrew-the-Lesser used to stand in the middle. Pevsner said it was “an unforgiveable crime against the architecture of Dowry Square and chapel Row. Of no value either in its own Gothic forms. The spire is particularly nasty.” Harsh. #hotwells #bristol

I didn’t actually spot this at the time, but by golly I could do with some of *those* right now. Mind you, given the look of the bottle they might well have been one of those Victorian over-the-counter pick-me-ups that turned out to be raw speedballs, or something.