@adamgasson WHO WOULDN’T?
Christ, can you keep it down at Ashton Gate? I’m trying to watch Bones over here in Hotwells.
@saltwateritch @jakepjohnson “Poppy With a Hint of Cock”.

Snaps from today’s wander. pic.twitter.com/id42qXwJkL
@ismh @MaxTemkin SOUND ENGINEER: No, no, stop it, guys. That wasn’t a count-in. My sequencer drive just has the Click of Death.
Gawd, I thought for a minute they’d made a film of the series Quincy, M.E. twitter.com/NetflixUK/stat…
@toddmotto Ta!
@toddmotto Which one is it? Was going to get the IKEA one but they were out of stock when I went…