Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 14th, 2012

FlouredBaker RT @TimGander Mark Stothard the fake photographer who uses other photographer’s work ‘for marketing purposes. Pls RT

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An early night beckons, methinks.

via Echofon

@Jorence Yes. Though done *right*, that would have suited the book, which is basically a massive tongue-in-cheek pulp pastiche.

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@Jorence I imagine Travolta was just high on his chosen cult’s inventor’s words.

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@Jorence I actually like the book. But the film was, indeed, utter garbage. And not even *good* utter garbage.

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@zinziii There’s rarely a single thing trending that I even understand.

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@boagworld Hrm. Can’t think of any way that would be at all possible.

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charlesarthur Yes, Dan Lyons, but what did you think of the blogpost?

via Echofon (retweeted on 3:50 PM, Feb 14th, 2012 via Echofon)

Spending the day making a new site look exactly the same as an existing site.

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You got me, Brook Street. I can’t tell if this is for a complaints officer or a compliance officer.

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Right. Of to @BristolJelly. See you soon, jellybeings.

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Queen_UK Text from the Pope: “You are the Queen, I am the Pope, I know you don’t fancy me but I still live in hope”. Not replying.

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@MissRacingSnake Nobody bought me *either* of those.

via Echofon in reply to BabsBat

For Valentine’s Day, a picture of my true love.

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@stillawake Happy Birthday, little M! :)

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