Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 22nd, 2016

@Cookwitch Which would be fine if I hadn’t also gone for beef in black bean sauce. I may die overfood tonight.

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Oh dear holy God I was expecting spring rolls to be small.

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cox_tom If you want to get drunk quickly and inexpensively I highly recommend being quite old.

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On the plus side, moderately drunk bloke from The Bear broke my indecision and sent me down the black bean sauce route.

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Interesting little app. @gothick’s Twee-Q is 9. Distribution of retweets: 52% women, 48% men. (via @UrsulaWJ)

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The delightful Cumberland Basin flyover system.

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@littlegibbo Not unless they’re planning on eating the contents of the hoover bag ;)

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I really miss being able to use Ashton Avenue Bridge :(

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Jesus. The potheads upstairs are actually moving around on a Sunday morning. I can hear frenzied cleaning. Parental visit, I’m guessing.

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Looking out of the window, I think my walk to TF market might have been replaced with some driving-based chores.

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@CharlieEsq_ I’m on my bed listening to The Archers. Closest I’ll ever get. (Cool brolly, BTW!)

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One_Angry_Chef A new Angry Chef post for the weekend. There’s a big problem with sugar and things need to change.…

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