Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 28th, 2016

@shezza_t Those creepy bastards in the straitjackets helped.

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@maxjacobson It also used to reliably sync with Dropbox, who have engineers around on a Saturday.

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@maxjacobson Well, yes, and I’d never be abusive, but a 9+ hour outage with no updates since the tweet is understandably frustrating.

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MarkTaylorFood Calling all bean-heads - best coffee around Shepherd’s Bush anyone?

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I like the Day One app, but I have very bad luck with its syncing. Last two times I’ve tried it — weeks apart — they’ve had server issues :(

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At the end of a production run, sometimes the factory only has enough bits left over to make half a canal boat.

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I felt like doing that the last time I had a croissant from the Triangle branch.…

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mixonic Dark UI patterns on the @verizonfios website. Number of agents “waiting” for a call is a randomly generated number.

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@saltwateritch …that I’m guessing my mum bought so I’d leave hers alone! Guessing everything would seem wider than that little one.

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@saltwateritch I do not know. The only other typewriter I regularly used was a little portable (Underwood 112)…

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@rem Put 10 emoji in there and stand well back.

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