Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 15th, 2012

@psidnell Ooopsie. One abiding memory of the ZX81 is unsticking the “DELETE” key using one of those spring-and-sucker jumping toys :)

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@psidnell Nice keyboard, though, from what I remember.

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Audioboo: The Last Spike

via audioBoom

@psidnell I went ZX81, Electron, BBC Master, Archimedes, then went to Uni and got onto big computers :)

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@benjohnbarnes A JVC, from what I remember. Classic technology. And you should have seen the wallpaper in the downstairs loo.

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@tsunimee 1983, I think. Might have been ’84.

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@tsunimee If you think that’s OMG, you should have seen my *first* computer. But I don’t think I owned a camera back then.

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This is a screenshot from my second ever computer, captured with extreme hi-technologiez.

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Why is Skype using 100% of my CPU in order to just sit there, idle? Grr.

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@timhayward I think I saw them supporting Camel once.

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martingoode Looking for top resturant options around the Bath area …

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:36 PM, Mar 15th, 2012 via Echofon)

@Narshada (e.g. this, which I’m putting together now, is a Twentyeleven Child, with just CSS changes and new images. )

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@Narshada …based on one of the latest ones provided by WP, e.g. Twentyeleven. You can do a lot just with the CSS.

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@Narshada I’d say the best bet would be to go through the basics on the WP Codex, and if your theme is simple, then use a Child theme…

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@Narshada It’s mostly knowing how to make web pages and understanding the template hierarchy… and what hooks you need.

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@Narshada Hrm. I mostly used this… but it relies on Thematic, which feels a bit long in the tooth now.

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@Narshada Yeah. Jetpack installation… says to log in with a .com account, so I think you need one to make it all work.

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@Narshada …so I guess you need to do that in the self-hosted backend, then log in with the same .com account in the app.

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@Narshada If you install the plugin, this is the first thing you see:

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@Narshada By the looks of it, Jetpack sends stats to .com, and the analytics is hosted there.

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@ratsass I shall look out for you, Comrade.

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@Narshada But now I’m just guessing. Hrm. Maybe I should try this jetpack thing…

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@Narshada …to get an Akismet key, for example. Wonder if some of the stat stuff is provided by their service so you need both logins?

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@Narshada Hrm. Must be Jetpack-specific, then. Some self-hosted things do need .com login, though; you always used to need one…

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@ratsass And I will look out for… Er. Chairman Mao?

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@Narshada I don’t use jetpack, but I do use the official iOS WordPress app with self-hosted WordPress. Does that help?

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@hayles It’s the Latin for “with”, among er, other things. Used as a combination form, eg, a bedroom-cum-sitting room is a bedsit.

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@hayles It seems it is real. But making Facebook Less Shit would require superpowers & the overthrow of capitalism, and I’m not up for that.

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vbloke NO TESCO, NO

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 5:38 PM, Mar 15th, 2012 via Echofon)

Hrm. Much as it seems unlikely that Facebook want to recruit me, these email headers look genuine. Maybe I’m losing my touch.

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Bloggity: the long slog that was my Bath Half Marathon 2012.…

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shezza_t I <3 Joss

via Twitpic (retweeted on 2:34 PM, Mar 15th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Aborting BTP lunch due to overexcited running toddlers. Hrm. Where to go instead..?

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danoliver Hello, London.

via Instagram (retweeted on 9:18 AM, Mar 15th, 2012 via Echofon)

@Cookwitch Apparently, neither do I, even when it’s one of the few ones I like. *drinks more tea*

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@Cookwitch Except it was bollocks! You can’t be 15 - 40 down, can you? Bah. Too early in the morning for me.

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@utterben Damn you. *drools into paltry cornflakes*

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@mikeotaylor …and extra weight. Lucky to get in in under three hours. Pah. How’s you? Not seen you about much recently…

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@mikeotaylor Hah! Sadly, it was a bad one for me. Glad I finished it, but second lap was a git due to lapses in training…

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