What? When did Twitter break Twitter? theincidentaleconomist.com/wordpress/twit… (via @BenjaminBrooks)
@shezza_t Gosh, I remember Twitter via SMS. Fairly sure it wouldn’t cope with my stream these days :D
@iamdanw I was really sad to see pummelvision had closed.
@hayles ?
@arlinelyons Thank you (and ‘im!) so much for the donation :D
Right. I’m going to watch _Kill List_. Catch you all in a bit.
@hayles …but they’re very different. Worth trying both; think you can get a free trial of each.
@hayles Acorn and Pixelmator are both in the not-massively-expensive-but-quite-powerful league, and both support tablet pressure.

Also: Impulse buy in Chaplins. pic.twitter.com/49IbWOzp

Me? Downloading music? No. Why do you ask? pic.twitter.com/X6pXGwwF
@Jorence Have just found it, but am probably not around on Saturday. @emmafurious.
@hayles Odd story. “Student goes to pub, gets drunk, acts stupidly with other student” hardly seems newsworthy, let alone scandalous.
@Jorence I’m not coming *back* to the Watershed, no matter how loud you blow that thing. I was there all afternoon.
@donmcallister Though depending on what you need, “du” might end up being simpler than “ls”.
@meemalee Oh. Goodness. I didn’t realise you were starring in your very own episode of _House_. Hope you mend quickly, whatever it is.
@tsunimee Bad girl.
Waiting G at the Watershed. instagr.am/p/HodRz2pC_P/
@hayles …To cheer her with rainbows and glitter. google.co.uk/search?q=rainb…
@hayles The Grumpy Old Woman of Twitter
Was growing all frowny and bitter
Her followers thought
And with Google they sought…
Right. Time to head townwards for lunch, possibly followed by some @wshed -based working.
@tsunimee Mad hares.
@stillawake Eep. Forgot to reply to that one, sorry! Erm. Not sure I’ve got a blog where that would fit…
@moonbeatle I just experienced five minutes of that while setting the PVR to record Dirk Gently. Next time, I’ll change channels first.
anna_debenham My bank has gamified their website by making the link colour and style exactly the same as the normal body text.
That’s my kind of festival. RT @bristol247: #bristol Harbourside to host Chocolate Festival over Easter weekend ow.ly/9nFYW

@KaveyF @ahnlak Apparently he was! pic.twitter.com/64qjvCeg
@ahnlak I don’t know. Tweetbot tells me you’ve been a member since June 2008, which is clearly not true, but I guess that’s the API’s fault.
@ahnlak Scarily, I still have the “You are Pete Favelle’s newest friend!” email.
@utterben Gor blimey, no. Fink I’m made’a moolah? Do me a favour.
@hayles I know, old Twitter-lady. You are the Wise Old Woman of Twitterland.
@utterben It’s been a while, ain’t it? Bleedin’ ‘ell. Sorry, I revert to my norf lahndahn roots when I’m nostalgic.
@benjohnbarnes Yup.
I signed up for Twitter five years ago today. Five years. Goodness me.
@danfairs *snigger* #peanutgallery
@LynnCherylEde Archer as head of security? I’m surprised you lived long enough to wake up!