Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 12th, 2012

@mhoulden Yes! That is exactly what I need.

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@betty_watson So, you think I should borrow a toddler, specifically on a day when he can toddle faster than I can walk?

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@unloveablesteve …Worth a look if you can find it, though; describes the problem for conference “burned” by PayPal & possible alternatives

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@unloveablesteve I read it in the physical magazine — don’t know if the article’s publicly online….

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@drwhobook I take it people have already pointed you to the “The great PayPal scandal” article in this month’s @netmag?

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Next time, my half marathon preparations will include putting my sofa up on bricks so it’s easy to get out of the day afterwards.

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@jukesie Now imagining accidents that sound like bowling strikes…

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@weirdoldhattie My feet are doing slightly better than my thighs. And that’s not saying much. Walking lots to stretch things out.

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@ghostfinder Oh. I didn’t know about the “other” box. Just found stuff in there from 2009 onwards.

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@BenPark In the old days, people who ran neither Windows nor OSX didn’t need any help. :)

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@weirdoldhattie After shopping in Tesco, I presume…

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@seengee I unelect not to answer in the positive.

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Wow! They put pedestrian lights in on Whiteladies Rd junction with Tyndalls Park Rd. Been thinking they should for about a decade.

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@seb_ly *adds to “Internet Gossip Flirts” Twitter list*

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@KellySibson Are you making a confession about not eating those peas, young lady?

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Peculiar It had to happen; a 12-year-old US girl is suing her school ‘cause they punished her for Facebook comments. Good luck with the world, honey.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:29 AM, Mar 12th, 2012 via Echofon)