DanRebellato Oh I’ve seen this episode. Didn’t Stephen Moffatt write it? The flags are aliens and they kill the reporters with l..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…5h
@OpinionatedGeek It’s harder to break through the background level of ongoing crisis since June.
@Shonette Maple and pecan <insert name of any pastry here>.
oneLOUDERash NIXON: No way can you pull off a more scandal-ridden presidency than I did.
TRUMP: Hold my beer.
NIXON: Wait this isn’t beer

Peeking Through to Dundry - threesixfive.gothick.org.uk/2017/01/11/pee… pic.twitter.com/fhOwu5JgzI
@CharlieEsq_ …but then perhaps you’re more social in person than I am :D
@CharlieEsq_ I have bought business cards several times in my life, and normally thrown a 98%-still-full box out five years later…

More of a necessity than a luxury this morning. ift.tt/2juwmRE pic.twitter.com/KyEQLyZTru
Well, I say “burst water main” because that seemed to be the catch-all term when I was young. I guess it’s just a leak. Not too dramatic.
Apparently the burst water main in Clifton Village has already been reported. Let’s hope they fix it before we drop below zero..#bristolol

wayne_peters 1:50 scale Type 6 Shuttle paper model.
Maya, Pepakura, Photoshop, matt photo-paper and swearing. Lots of swearing. pic.twitter.com/pluN8hiZWc
@RedQueenCoder I understand there’s now a museum appropriately at 221b Baker Street. Go by Tube; there’s a lovely t..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…Gu
I have “Trump” muted on Twitter, so I don’t know what’s happened. But there’s definitely some pee leaking through around the edges.