@paulawhite_uk Thanks! Yes, it was the colours that drew me in.

Grain, Pride, Ellen. pic.twitter.com/uJQKQjXV2q

Yes, it was a tad disconcerting. #chinook #bristol twitter.com/BlanketyQuiz/s… pic.twitter.com/32KY8JNtLp

Not something one normally sees over the Cumberland Basin. #bristol ift.tt/2jJK8Bn pic.twitter.com/eKZeJmOE1N
@ToM_BaL That’d be nice, but I can’t see them taking the scaffold down if they’re not finished…

A mother cone guarding its two baby conelets in their natural environment, the Metrobus wo..ift.tt/2j5fqAClpic.twitter.com/qw4FRO7QZbZb
The scaffolding’s coming off! I guess they spent the extra three months workshopping until they found the world’s d..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…62

Tiny truck. #igersbristol ift.tt/2kjCWec pic.twitter.com/Y7LIc1QW90
ESYudkowsky Starfleet UX designers learned that if they didn’t make some bridge consoles explode, captains would ignore damage until the shields failed.
@tyronem With hindsight, I’d’ve started in 2015.