@psidnell I have been intermingling.
Wow, an actual flounce. That’s been a long time. #subtweet
@LadyRowly MAN FLU 😷
@Cookwitch Oooohhh.
@Cookwitch Indeed. Up to date with Phryne, too 😀
@Cookwitch I think I may have already seen all of those, due to my Avengers-induced Diana Rigg fixation.
@ttscoff Perhaps I’ve just missed the improvement because it’s been so gradual!
I have watched two seasons of _Father Brown_ and I’m still not well. It clearly doesn’t have the healing powers of _Columbo_.
petefrasermusic If you’re going to pretentiously eschew plates, THIS is the standard you have to be aiming for. twitter.com/wewantplates/s…
@ttscoff Did I miss an update? *Stares at app that seems to have been a bit crap forever*
@claytoncubitt It’s been a month for me and I’m much happier now.
@chrismarquardt Heh. Iain Banks reference, I’m assuming?

C-Bond Cormorant threesixfive.gothick.org.uk/2017/01/14/c-b… pic.twitter.com/vQ9xW6hQUc

Bristol skyline :D pic.twitter.com/ehSx3Ms6zr
lisadurbin I fondly remember a time when I never found myself looking at someone and wondering “WTF is going on with her eyebrows?”
MicroSFF The final space fleet took off, the last humans leaving Earth.
“Is that really easier,” God called after them, “than loving thy neighbour?”
Seven years ago today, apparently I was distracted by a fox on the walk to work. youtube.com/watch?v=zacdTJ… twitter.com/gothick/status…