@Kavey Just spag bol. Big batch cooking & mostly freezing.

Leech I’m not a robot.. pic.twitter.com/6hHkhkmoWN
AdamBienkov Labour whip Thangam Debbonaire tells me she won’t follow her own whip and will vote against Article 50. uk.businessinsider.com/labour-leader-…
@C_J_Fox Sorry; no idea here!
jenboseph I am a professional comedy writer so I can tell you that Richard Spencer getting punched isn’t funny until it happens three times.
@ChuckWendig So, er, how does one subscribe to Terrific Mounds? Asking for a friend.
@sblackmoore As one of the whitest people on the planet, I wholeheartedly agree.

I love it when a recipe calls for 125ml of wine. #leftovers pic.twitter.com/ldsRpBzCmp
@C_J_Fox Gosh. I think @floyduk is doing one of those at the moment, too. Teensy bit intimidating, from what I remember…
@Phooto Might try that at some point. Just custom earplugs for now.
@Kavey For custom earplugs.

Just had moulds taken of the insides of my ears. So that was a bit odd. pic.twitter.com/fuollZKvki

Blue Rinse - threesixfive.gothick.org.uk/2017/01/26/blu… -
At the CAR WASH (CAR WASH, GIRL) pic.twitter.com/lfmlMFy353
standupmaths Just received my biannual email from university IT demanding I change my password. I got to reply with this: ncsc.gov.uk/articles/probl…
Contemplating Burns Night leftovers. Presumably deep-fried haggis, neeps & tatties sandwich is the way to go?

I dunno… It’s like whenever I sit in the lounge, it feels like there’s someone looking over my shoulder#bristolspic.twitter.com/zQJgu16VTu6VTu
Cheery. twitter.com/bbcweather/sta…