@seengee Out of curiosity, why?
“I saw you in Mercedez-Benz/Practising self-defence/You got it pretty good, I guess/I couldn’t see you eyes…” #neilyoungtweets
Dailybooth’s random will-it-won’t-it maybe-I’ll-upload-your-photo process is incredibly annoying at times. Sigh.
Ooh. Excuse me while I have a brief moment of espresso machine envy. http://bit.ly/bAVF1c
@archidave Noice
@Nose_in_a_book And they used to be so much nicer before the smoking ban. Sigh.
@stillawake I’d go have a look, but my ferry’s just coming! There’s a link to the times on www.librarieswest.org.uk if that’s any help.
@globalmoxie I tried it, but the basics didn’t work as well as Echofon, which I still like for a simple desktop client.
@ianoxley The Null Terminator #developermovies
@R2UK That would be @vaultpress, by Automattic. It’s still a beta, but sign up and smile at them nicely and who knows what’ll happen ;)
@nyssapod @ruskin147 Mine, ordered 1 August, I think, still has no expected delivery date. The leather case arrived yesterday, though!
Dentist done. Now off for my traditional ironic celebration of coffee and pastry.
@DrHairbear I am aware just how lucky I am in that respect.
At the dentist. Which is not something that’s ever bothered me much, luckily. 37, and still no fillings.
Hmm. Why is it “grey” in my brain, but not “greyscale”? It’s “grey” and “grayscale”, which seems oddly inconsistent. #spelling #musings
@Support In the iPhone client, is there any way of removing tweets from people I’ve blocked & reported for spam from my replies list? Ta.