Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 25th, 2010

@Bravax Yes, but it depends exactly what problem you’re trying to solve. Definitely worth a go, though.

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Sorry, I’d live to have come to your meeting this morning, but I really have to wash my hair.

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@DrHairbear And I’d have to go to Greece to get it. Even better.

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@Bravax Yeah, overall good. Sharing not so great, good for ubiquitous capture, OCR to make images word-searchable surprisingly good.

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@vero Ooh, hadn’t heard of @alfredapp. Is there a quick “what’s in it for Quicksilver users?” summary anywhere?

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Just tried @alfredapp on the MacBook. Looks easily good enough to trial as a Quicksilver replacement for a while, see how it goes. @vero

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Enjoying the new Simplenote app, except for the font stack using something really badly-spaced for me on Firefox/WinXP.

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Bah. Amazon have just sent me a shipping notification for my shiny new Kindle 3… leather case.

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@hayles Are you old enough to _remember_ Jimmie Crankie?

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Oh, now they’re just teasing me.

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@Trapac oooh. It’s a bugger to get the remains out when that happens, in my experience. Be careful!

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@meyerweb Gibson’s corollary: any taxonomy created by multiple people makes no sense to anyone.

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…and today’s . Captures the mood, anyway.

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@KaveyF @bexxi A couple of the “Extra”/”Plus” style UK painkillers add caffeine. Looked it up once but can’t remember reason now.

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Something tells me I’m not going for a jog tonight

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Oh, lovely, more lowlife scamming paper spam from the Domain Renewal Group. Get some self-respect, morons.

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@Bravax If that’s your reason, then yes, recommended.

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@johnmcg Sorry, already shredded. @Jorence said he had one, though?

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@tyronem Absolutely. For example, being slightly pregnant is a little emergency.

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