Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 17th, 2010

@zinziii Depends. You can plug an ADSL router into a phoneline and plug another router into that, say. What problem are you solving?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to ZinziGraham

“*shoop shoop* *shoop-de-lang-ylang*…”

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They get closer to Baristas every shoot. Wonder if all TV drama locations are based on coffee availability?

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@kshack22 George couldn’t remember the name! Sparkle-something, he thought. But apparently it’s just a working title.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to kshack22

@hayles It feels like it should be Wednesday by now.

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@hayles Now I have a dilemma: how tiresome would that make a retweet of an objection to tiresome objections to Twefficiency tweets?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

RellyAB My Twifficiency score is your mom.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Aug 17th, 2010 via Twitter for iPhone)

christt URGENT FACT! If you regularly read The Daily Mail you could get cancer. Please RT.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Aug 17th, 2010 via Twitter for iPhone)

@realrobgrant Most of those “background” apps will be doing nothing. Audio or GPS app probably culprit, as they _can_ do stuff.

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Maybe I should go for a job steering an oil tanker. Working this PC is probably good practice.

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@pjakobs At least BP have lowered the bar for safety expectations recently.

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@mikeotaylor Ah, “Vitamin I”. Yes, hadn’t considered that.

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@pjakobs That “BP” needs to be backronymed, though. 0.3 “BogoPollutions”?

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@rhodri My favourite of mine is probably

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Honestly, I wish people wouldn’t tweet mysteriously about things they don’t like without saying what they are.

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@hayles What makes you think I was talking about you? Was it my timing? Maybe I need some kind of time-delay thing… :D

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@zinziii 140 characters may be too few for this!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to ZinziGraham

Finally on way home. Evening, Mr. Plimsoll.

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@zinziii You want wifi you can access even though there’s already a router there whose wifi you can’t? Is that it?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to ZinziGraham

@zinziii Right. Home now, can actually type. And read your earlier replies :) If the internet comes in over the (cont)

via Twitlonger

Okay, home, fed, mindful, cup of tea. Now, on with the Stuff To Do.

via Echofon

@canofpopcom @mikeotaylor Speaking of which, my left hip’s started aching. Better to run through it or to rest it for the half, d’you think?

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