Hmm. Wonder if I can setup JavaScript IP geolocation to swap US/UK Amazon affiliate links? Then I could still cache the pages easily…
@gothick It is garlic and red chilli in red wine and fish stock, quickly reducing.
Cooking something up. Have yet to set fire to the recipe this time :)
@floyduk Did your iMac not have a keyboard you can use with the MacBook?
@ahnlak Just bloody write something! *kicks up arse*
@ahnlak Yeah, I’m just saying don’t rule XHTML out if you’ve already got some or if it might be easier to generate.
@ahnlak Indeed. Not very global, for a global company. #amazon #affiliate #unjoinedup
@ahnlak Also bear in mind that while it may be “dead”, it’s also pretty trivial to convert XHTML to HTML5, so not entirely a “dead end”.
@Jorence It looks more sensible when complete.
@jukesie Do a WHOIS on it.
@OpinionatedGeek My season 3 box set arrived on Wednesday. I may emerge from the weekend in a slightly odd frame of mind…
At the Temple Meads ferry stop.
@Support Really wish reporting a spammer would remove their tweets from my “replies” page…
Queen_UK One doesn’t care if Monday’s blue. Tuesday’s grey and Wednesday too. Thursday doesn’t care about you. It’s Friday, one’s in love.
@nickdonnelly Go on then!
Ah, The Go! Team. A hypo full of energy for a dreary Friday morning. *walks more bouncily*
IT team breakfast. Off to t’pub.
@ahnlak …but I at least hear that Python is a good place to live, once you’ve settled in.
Bwa-ha-ha. Now have a JSON geolocation service up and running. Now I shall take over the world, one country code at a time.
@tweeny4 That must have added up to a major thrill. #badumtish
Woah! Safari has a “merge all windows” command? How did I miss that… Instant consolidation!
@jcroft For what you want to do in this case, it should be an absolute dream. Hope it works for you!
“World, I’ll pay extra if you will please give me less.” — Scott Adams’ blog today. Reminded me of @boagworld :)
@jcroft Erm… iMovie. Unless I’m missing something.
@AlasdairStuart No it wouldn’t. *clips Alasdair around the back of the head*
@ahnlak Be grateful. With the codebase Google have got, that kind of behaviour is about three short steps from Skynet.
@birdbrainapp Ah, so _that’s_ what’s going on!
@ahnlak Hmm. Bearing in mind I dislike most Google apps, I’m not entirely racing to try the Google App Engine.
No, DFS, I think you’ll find “F” is for “fast forward through this f-ing advert.”
@ahnlak You’re using Python again, aren’t you? Never mind, the tab skills will be handy when COBOL makes a comeback.
@Jorence Just glad I noticed that this “for one” recipe called for 250g spaghetti and serving in bowls, plural. #someoneneedsaneditor
@zaplorn Get lost.
@floyduk It probably took me a while to think of, first time round :). I have had an iMac die before… Luckily while covered by AppleCare!